If you absolutely loved this episode arc, turn back now because this rant/review is not for you
The Daleks
You still there? Good Then you are brave enough to read this scathing review
+I’m sorry I cannot rewatch this one. The clear whitewashing of this episode makes me fume every time in a near murderous rage. It is insulting and condescending not only to black viewers, but also to all science fiction fans. It’s like our narratives are already invisible in futuristic sci-fi now you have to gloss over our history too. GOHWTBS.
+ Poor Blacks and Poor Whites somehow follow the Black man, Solomon, because “race doesn’t matter when everyone is poor.” Um yeah...NO!! I found that extra fallacious that they would magically follow a black man in the 1930’s, yet some people still have trouble following a Black president the majority elected in 2010!!!
*major side eye to Raynor* Yep, “Writing Historical Stories…Your doing it wrong”
+Another thing, I am really tired of the Daleks. I know they’re a Doctor Who staple, the ultimate villain like Superman vs Lex, Salt vs Pepper; but it’s tired and worn concept. They die, they come back, they die again, oh wait another one is alive. Please make up your mind or be clever with them. I’m hoping that Steven Moffat will be a little more creative with them.
+Another rage inducing part of that episode is when the Black man, Solomon, is trying to promote Intergalactic Peace and Brotherhood with the Daleks only to be killed off at the end of his 'I have a dream' speech. I and my family knew that was coming, I even left the room. That was another thing about this season: a lot of Black secondary male characters were killed or were abased in status and dignity. See Solomon, Billy Sheppard, Martha’s Dad.( Don't try and say everyone gets killed off indiscriminately because you know there are not even enough black people in Whoverse to begin with)
~Pros (I guess)~
+ I liked Delilah and her clever way of insinuating the Doctor’s disinterest in Martha to liking “Musical Theater”
+Martha once again saves the day and the Doctor’s life in this episode. He seemed too willing to die though, Another rant: the Doctor’s willingness to die and subsequently leave Martha in an era that would really suck for her as a Black woman: 1930s, 1913. That was one thing missing in this episode and season, Sensitivity to Martha’s feelings and to her as a Black woman. In general Emo Ten was getting kind of grating.
In the end I refuse to acknowledge this episode. In my head, they went to the Harlem Renaissance instead and met Zora Neal Hurston and Langston Hughes and battled some aliens there.