Aug 17, 2004 21:01
Yesterday turned out to be a red letter day at least as far as getting resolution on what my more immediate future is going to be.
The elements of doubt included a potential job offer from a small local company, @once. That would entail me giving two weeks notice and then switching back to a technical job. The other big potential was Karyn filing for divorce. I have been happy enough, but Karyn has been miserable. She obesses about little things and makes herself miserable and my chief frustration is that there is nothing I can do about it (I don't like for her to be miserable and to not be able to do anything about it is worse). Anyway, if she files for divorce I would give notice to Active Moving and start packing up my things and set off to travelling again.
So, the big question is what was going to transpire. Well, yesterday was the one year anniversary for our marriage and on that date Karyn sent off the forms to file for divorce (so the filing is pretty much resolved). Also, @once said that while they were very interested with me, they have decided to go with another candidate for the current opening though they would like to keep me in mind for other openings that may come up.
So, once the papers come back (could be a couple of weeks), then I will give notice and start packing up my things. I am currently thinking of heading south to CA to visit LA (I never made it there previously) and then head back to NY, perhaps visiting places like Dallas, Missouri, and Michigan on the way back. I might spend a month or so at the ashram as I haven't visited there for ages....
Anyway, it is nice to have some of the unknowns resolved and able to consider the options for the future.