Random blurbs; highways, garlic, Trader Joe's

Jun 19, 2009 12:38

Depending on where you are in St. Louis, some of the highway exit lanes are, like, upwards of 2 miles long. You know the kind - the entrance lane for one ramp never ends and just becomes the exit lane for the next one, all well-marked with those bright yellow "Exit Only" strips on the signs every 1/2 mile or so. In the last 36 hours, I've seen 3 people driving along the full length of these lanes, then slam on the brakes and cut back onto the highway right before getting to the actual ramp. Really folks, if it takes you a full two minutes to figure out you shouldn't be in that lane, you probably shouldn't be driving.

Organic garlic bulbs are potent little beasts. Sunday was my first-ever trip to Trader Joe's, and Eric picked up a few produce items for an Indian Butter Chicken dish he's fond of making. (And I'm fond of eating. YUM!!) The pantry was smelling a bit pungent on Monday, and by yesterday morning I was convinced that a rat had died somewhere in there and I was determined to rip everything apart until I found it. Then I happened to spy the garlic, which had been placed back into its bag and tied off, but none the less proved to be the source. I hadn't thought of it before, since none of the other garlic we had ever stunk up the pantry like that, but this one is strong enough to keep every tween-novel and TV show vampire that's popped up in the last two years out of the house. Amen to that.

On a similar note, Trader Joe's is pretty darn cool. I had no idea that such cheap food could be so good and so yummy.

Back to work.
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