Возможный ответ Госкомпозору

Apr 21, 2022 21:44

В разных сетевых дискуссиях нет-нет да возникает тема: а как жить среди всей этой хтони? Что говорить людям, поддерживающим войну - особенно когда это твои родители или другие дорогие тебе люди?

У меня нет собственного ответа на этот вопрос. А вот у Льва Пономарева (того, чья антивоенная петиция собрала более 1,2 миллиона подписей) - есть. Вот Read more... )

пафосное, перепост

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magpie73 April 21 2022, 19:54:07 UTC
Да,конечно.вчера подписала Хотя и нет надежды,что она окажет какой-то эффект на главного персонажа, но для того хотя бы, чтобы поддержать Иностранного Агента-Составителя Льва Пономарева.
А вот это может быть интересно и вам ay, April 19th, 2022
4:48 pm
The ultimate objective of theorists studying living systems is to construct a general theory of life that can explain and predict the dynamics of both human and nonhuman systems. Yet little progress has been made in this endeavour. Why? Because of the inappropriate methods adopted by complexity theorists. By assuming that the supply-side physics model - in which local interactions are said to give rise to the emergence of order and complexity - could be transferred either entirely (social physics) or partially (agent-based models, or ABMs) from the physical to the life sciences, we have distorted reality and, thereby, delayed the construction of a general dynamic theory of living systems. Is there a solution? Yes, but only if we abandon the deductive and analogical methods of complexity theorists and adopt the inductive method. With this approach it is possible to construct a realist and demand-side general dynamic theory, as in the case of the dynamic-strategy theory

It is doubtful that a single workable theory of ‘evolution’ - which I prefer to call ‘dynamics’ - will ever be constructed to explain the emergence and development of both inanimate and animate systems, owing to their fundamentally different existential properties. But it is possible to construct a single general theory of life that can explain and predict the dynamics of both human and non-human systems. This has always been the objective of those studying living systems: to explain and predict the emergence of order and complexity in a universe subject to increasing entropy. While the need for a general dynamic theory - sometimes called a ‘unified theory of complexity’ - has been discussed in the literature for more than a decade, the consensus is that its achievement is no closer now than in the past.
A Methodological Struggle

The field of complexity has become a battleground for different methods. Essentially there are three combatants: those employing the physics model are exponents of the deductive approach; those employing the agent-based models are advocates of the analogical method; and those who reject the supply-side physics model entirely, favour the inductive method of realist theory-construction.

The central argument in this paper is that the physics model for analysing complex living systems is not just an oversimplification resulting in less than universal applicability, but that it is entirely inappropriate. By assuming that complexity emerges from the local interactions of adaptive agents, and by establishing a set of rules of engagement that can, through computer simulation, mimicthe real-world pattern in which we are interested, we are constructing ‘artificial societies’ that have little in common with the world we inhabit. By employing this analogical approach we are, in effect, creating alien worlds. How should we proceed in order to avoid this problem?
While it may cause angst to many, we must abandon the deductive supply-side physics model and its analogical spin-off, the supply-side agent-based model.



bbzhukov April 22 2022, 11:03:56 UTC
Спасибо! Действительно интересно.

Что до "главного персонажа", то на него, боюсь, сейчас может подействовать разве что порция живительного галоперидола (в лчшем случае), но он же не дастся. Ну так не для того все это пишется и подписывается.


magpie73 April 22 2022, 18:05:34 UTC
Сомневаюсь, что что-то еще что-то лечащее еще может помочь...когда разберетесь со статьей Снукса, разрешите, пожалуйста, обратиться к вам за помощью по теме, связанной с ней?


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