May 05, 2007 14:07
Today, I do not feel like myself.
It started with my tire blowing flat, and I cursed the drunk kids who break bottles on the sidewalk. When it popped by tube and tire, it sounded it like a gunshot. I was scared nearly to death.
At work this morning, there was a lot of fruit for breakfast. I'm not used to eating only fruit for breakfast and had huge cravings for carbs. I think this made me cranky. At about 11, a coach comes in with a family of 9, one of which is a prospective student. He announces to me that he's here to pick up meal tickets (impossible- our system doesn't work that way, and he knows that) from Jen, who is "there every Saturday" (also impossible, Jen rarely works Saturdays, usually in the Fall). I tell him that we don't have the packets, and that arrangements should have been made earlier. It throws me off kilter, because he proceeded to make me, himself and the school look bad in an attempt to recover from this incident.
But the worst part was something I did entirely on my own, as a result of my poor feelings. One visitor, a junior from NYC, came late to the tour. I helped him meet up with the group and thought nothing else of it. When he came back, he asked if he could get meal tickets because he's staying overnight. Sadly, he couldn't because the arrangements were made on his own, and he didn't notify us. He's fine with this, but then asks about interview. We ask for two weeks notice for interviews, but on this particular morning we had none- our 9 am didn't show up. It would have been so easy for one of the three interns (myself included) to sit down and talk to him for twenty minutes. We were seriously doing nothing. But instead of offering this as an option, I pushed every other option that we have available. This is not too inherently bad. Until I go back to vent to my co-workers thinking that the kid has left the building, only to go back out to the front desk and see that he's in the lobby.
This is the point where I feel awful. It's entirely possible he's heard me, and lots of me thinks he does. Worse though is that I didn't care that I had said slightly less than nice things about my interaction until I thought he knew about it. This really bothers me. I hate this about myself. It doesn't happen often, but it makes me realize that I probably don't say a lot of nice stuff and then think nothing of it. This works for some people, but not me. I hope he didn't hear me, solely because he doesn't deserve these rude things- I happened to be adjutated and he gets the downside of it.
Grrrr. I would normally write this in my paper journal, but I can type faster than I can write, and thus is the option which I chose.