What you think about can affect the way you think.

Nov 16, 2015 17:43

... and the way you speak.

I’ve recently been studying Complex Analysis, which includes studies of the way a function behaves “in the neighborhood” of a singularity or “in the region” of some boundary on the complex plane. I tell you that just so that I can relate this story and make sense:

I’ve just recently performed periodic maintenance on my hot tub. This involves draining the water completely, scrubbing the inside of the tub with bleach, cleaning the filter, and refilling the tub with fresh water. I had gotten to the “refill with fresh water” part of the process, and got distracted on another project. I suddenly looked up from what I was doing, shouted “Shit! Spa!” and ran out to the back yard. Sure enough, the tub was brim-full, with water falling out all around the edge like a fountain in the park.

I shut off the hose and removed it from the tub, and then opened the stopcock on the drain hose to let some of that water out. I then went back inside and reported: “The water is now moving in reverse direction in the region of the spa, but in the same direction in the region of the lawn.”

…Okay, I don’t usually talk that way, so *I* thought it was funny…
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