Public Service Announcement

Oct 27, 2014 22:58

If you live in the United States of America, be sure to top off your gas tank on Monday.

In my living memory, the price of gasoline has always, always, ALWAYS been depressed in the month leading up to a national election. This is not an artifact of the improvement in our economy; it is an artifact of a concerted effort on the part of those who control oil prices to assure you that Things Are Not So Bad.

In this particular iteration of this phenomenon, the prices of gasoline have been reduced by about 70 cents per gallon from a month ago, or just over 20% in my locality. I cannot remember any previous reduction that extreme; my interpretation of this phenomenon is that the Oil Powers That Be are particularly worried about how you might be voting on Tuesday.

In any case, I predict that the price of fuel will begin to jump right around the time that the polls close -- for reasons that make complete economic sense, mind you -- and that you are not likely to see gasoline this inexpensive for at least two years (specifically, until roughly the first week of October 2016 -- a month before the next national election). So, be sure to fill your tank on Monday.
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