Iwamoto Taiki "feels" tonight :)

May 10, 2014 21:59

It's been around 8 months since the first time I tweeted Taiki..

Now he's in NYC trying his best to do everything he should.
And I myself have been missing this boy so much that I'm writing about him now. (•__•)

I like Taiki, not because he's the best at everything, but, because when he does something, he seems to give his all to it.

I remember watching a video where Taiki was dancing at Coca Cola event.

He was already good back then, but it was still like the others outshined him.
That was in 2013, April.

But only 5 months after that, he surprised me by the amazing improvement I saw in Shuukan EXILE.
He has reached that level where it's not easy for others to outshine him anymore.
I was literally impressed. You have no idea. (T T) ❤️

With that big improvement, I know he worked so hard.
Taiki definitely has worked so hard to be where he is today.

I've seen Ayumu, Masahiro and Rikiya before.
These three, who are his friends, have been in so many events before Taiki had.

So I think there must be so many hardships he's been through to make his place in NYC together with his friends nowadays.

And even now, I think he might be facing another hardship in his life while living in NYC.

All I can do is pray for him to get through it all and can be a strong but warm hearted man in the future. ^^

I do believe that he will make it successfully and beautifully..
"If it's Taiki, he'll make it in the end!"
That's what I always think. :)

I really wish him all the best. ❤️❤️❤️
He's like my little brother.

I don't even know why I love a boy who I only tweeted to for a few times this much. (•...•) ❤️

But I'd like to say that I'll support him all the way..
Little boy with a big heart full of power and gratitude, Iwamoto Taiki (^__^) ❤️

iwamoto taiki, exile tribe, ldh, gjc, expg, exgene

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