It's been a while since I've updated, so I thought I would take advantage of a quiet night at home and do so. Here's what's been going on.
Work: I finished up my urology rotation at the end of the month. It was a great rotation and I learned a lot and had a really fun time. Those urologists are a hoot. I really enjoyed the rotation. I'm on Medicine at Mary's this month, so I'm not in the best of spirits at the moment. It's being it's usual medicine month...long hours, lots of stress, not eating lunch most days, and crying more than usual. I will say this, though...I'm able to handle the month a lot better than I could a year ago, or even 6 months ago. So that's something. It's still my least favorite rotation, but at least it's better than it was in the past. And I AM learning stuff...I always do. This is the last time I'm on medicine at Mary's ever, so that's exciting. And the month is going by quickly...I can't believe it's been a week already.
Home: Is great. Things with Mark and I are doing just fine. We went for a long walk with the doggie and on a date on Sunday (I had the day off). We went out to eat at Fitger's and then rented a movie. We also had game night Saturday night with Steve and Annie, which is always a good time. Mark and I are both looking forward to Thanksgiving with great anticipation...Thanksgiving means lots of family and lots of fun. I can't wait.
Travel: We got our tickets to Hawaii the other day! So we are officially going in January. My parents and brothers are going and invited us (and my sister and her boyfriend) to go along as well. Mark and I can swing it, so we are going. I can't wait...I haven't been to Hawaii since I was 10, and all I remember from that trip is that everyone got sick and I couldn't figure out how to snorkel. Now I've been snorkeling in the Bahamas, so I should be set. It will be great to get out of cold MN for a week in the middle of January. I've also decided that I really want to go to Chicago. I miss it. I saw a bus drive by today while I was out for a walk and I wanted to hop on and go somewhere. I'm hoping we'll be able to go in June to visit my friend Hudson (and the city) before we head out to my friend Kate's wedding in Cleveland. We'll have to miss Grandma's Marathon here this year due to Kate's wedding, but it's worth it.
Books: I just finished a book called Invasive Procedures by Orson Scott Card. It is about genetics and using the human genome to both cure and manipulate the human population. It was an exciting thriller. Mark (who finished it as well) and I decided that if it was in paperback, it would be a great boundary waters book. It was tough to put it down for the last 100 pages or so. I'm currently reading Middlesex, which is about a person with 5-alpha reductace deficiency ( ). I'm only about 100 pages into it, but I'm really enjoying it. The writing style is great and the subject matter has lots of history and science.
And that's about it from here. I just got back from a chilly walk in the dark (I had my headlight and stayed on the sidewalks, Mom) so I'm going to go shower and then have some dinner. Have a great night everyone!