Make a Record of My Heart by juniperlane

Feb 20, 2010 08:26

Before I get started with my rec, I need to throw in a PSA on an issue that's near and dear to my heart. I've already ranted a little bit about this but I have to do it again. Writers: Please have mercy on the eyes of your readers. White text on a black background causes your readers to wander aimlessly about their houses, bumping into their dining room tables. For example, I really wanted to give this story try, but as soon as I saw the black background with the white text, I hit the back button. DISABLE YOUR CUSTOMIZED COMMENT PAGES, PEOPLE, or at the very least, provide a white text box with black or dark gray text.

OK, ranting over. Now on to my rec, which is a beautifully formatted and easy to read story.

Summary: The continuing adventures of a certain lead singer, and her band. In this installment: a road trip adventure to Cincinnati.
Word Count: 7278
Rating: NC-17
Pairing(s): Sheldon/Penny
Genre: AU, smut
Link to Story:

The Fic Fairy has been very, very good to me lately. You know how I feel about allthingsholy's AU universe where the Big Bang Theory characters are in a band. It makes me happy in ways that can only be explained through epic poetry in the style of Homer. Luckily for you, I won't be sharing it with you today.

juniperlane must have similar feelings to mine because she wrote a story set in the same universe. What I love about this story (and the first two, as well) is how clear it is that the writer loves music, is incredibly knowledgeable about it, and how this love and knowledge is woven into every aspect of the story.

Sheldon takes over on the chorus, and she sings harmony. Their voices weave around each other, and on the third line - the slight pause, the kick drum, and there's the rest of band coming in to fill out the spaces in between her guitar and Sheldon's keys. Leonard's making those chimey guitar sounds he's so obsessed with-clear, ringing notes an octave above them all. Raj is laying down a steady beat, leaning into the mic every time he joins her on the oohs, and she's got the sound of Howard's cymbals on the eights in her ear.

It's like I can actually hear the song they're playing. That's good writing.

This is a story I'd print out if my printer didn't need a toner cartridge. It's wonderfully in character despite being AU, has a hilarious Bernadette cameo, features some delicious smut on the tour bus and is written with love and care in every single sentence.

rating: nc-17, pairing: sheldon/penny, orciny rants!, het, genre: smut, author: juniperlane, genre: au

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