Title: The Art of Magical Red Vines (A Story in Haiku)
hellolamppost17 &
courtney_bethRating: PG-13
Pairings: Wil/Sheldon, Kripke/Penny along with mentions of: Leslie/Leonard, Leonard/Leslie/Stuart, Han Solo/Indiana Jones/Leonard Nimoy/Stan Lee, Han/Indy, Leonard Nimoy/Stan Lee Captain Sweatpants/Mrs. Hofstader, Howard/Bernadette/Raj, Kripke/Wil, Sheldon/Penny, Sheldon/Kripke/Penny, Sheldon/Penny/Wil, Penny/Wil, Penny/Captain Sweatpants, Kirk/McCoy, Missy/Kirk, Kirk/McCoy/Missy, Kirk/Missy/Leslie/Leonard/Stuart, Jack Harkness/Everyone, Red Vines/Magic Powers, James Bond Time Lord/Wedding Officiating and probably more...
Word Count: 2,106
Disclaimer: I don't own a box of Red Vines.
courney_beth might.
Author's Notes: The story behind the
paradox_ot thread was to get people interested in posting there - realizing we can still come together and have fun. What resulted from that was an epic Haiku challenge fic that took a life of its own.
Original post
here. Unbeta'd obviously.
On Monday Sheldon
bought a large tub of red vines
"Time to eat," he said.)