So... a long time ago... back in the undergrad days when Karen was my roomie... I actually liked one of the cd's she listened to even though it was in Spanish and I couldn't understand it. "Nada Valgo Sin Tu Amor" by Juanes became my song, haha.
I have no idea why... but I was feeling a little down and decided to youtube it. Sure enough... I still bounce around and sing along :D
So I'm going to share:
Video! Juanes - Nada Valgo Sin Tu Amor And the lyrics with a translation:
Cuando el tiempo pasa y nos hacemos viejos nos empieza a parecer
(As time passes and we become old, it begins to seem)
Que pesan mas los daños que los mismos años al final
(that dangers weigh more on us than the years themselves in the end)
Por eso yo quiero que mis años pasen junto a ti mi amor eterno
(That's why I want to spend my years next to you, my eternal love)
Junto a mi familia junto a mis amigos y mi voz
(together with my familly, friends, and my voice)
Porque nada valgo porque nada tengo si no tengo lo mejor
(Because I am worthless and I have nothing if I don't have the best)
Tu amor y compañia en mi corazón
(of your love and company in my heart)
Y es que vale mas un año tardio que un siglo vació amor
(And it's because a year late is better than an empty century)
Y es que vale mas tener bien llenito el corazón
(And it's because it's better to have a full heart)
Por eso yo quiero que en mi mente siempre tu cariño este bien fuerte
(That's why I always want your strong affection
in my mind)
Aunque estemos lejos o aunque estemos cerca del final
(even if we are far or near from the end)
Porque nada valgo porque nada tengo si no tengo lo mejor
(Because I am worthless and I have nothing if I don't have the best)
Tu amor y compañia en mi corazón
(of your love and company in my heart)
Ven amor...
(Come love...)
Me siento débil cuando estoy sin ti
(I feel weak when I'm not with you)
Y me hago fuerte cuando estas aqui
(and I become strong when you're here)
Sin ti yo ya no sé que es vivir
(Without you, I no longer know how to live)
Mi vida es un tunel sin tu luz
(My life is a tunnel without your light)
Quiero pasar mas tiempo junto a ti
(I want to spend more time next to you)
Recuperar las noches que perdi
(To get back that nights that I lost)
Vencer el miedo inmenso de morir
(To overcome the immense fear of dying)
Y ser eterno junto a ti
(and to be eternally next to you)
Enjoy, kiddies!