Sep 09, 2008 11:05
Second week of classes at Rutgers. I have Advanced Transport Phenomena, Thermodynamics, and Analytical Methods. The rest of the time is supposed to be spent in meetings and seminars and figuring out exactly what we want to do to get our degree.
For anyone who hasn't heard yet... I had major roommate issues. When I moved in the girl was pretty cool (Diana) but there were like... notes everywhere.
"Flush toilet twice if paper remains."
"Make sure food doesn't splatter in microwave and don't throw the door."
"Lock the door before leaving."
"Wipe sink after finished every time."
So I was a little weirded out, but apparently Diana hadn't written them. Then I met Julie. She was really cool and we hit it off really well. Then lastly, I met note woman, Jackie.
Needless to say, she's crazy and controlling, and during our "apartment meeting" Julie got into a big enough fight with her to move out the next day. Which sucked.
Somehow I ended up being able to get a room in the same apartment that she moved to, and it just so happened the other two girls are in my ChemE program. It is sooooooooooooo much nicer.
Other than that... driving here is confusing, but its still pretty cool. I'm still figuring out things to do and stuff like that. The gaps in my schedule from the lack of classes are quickly being filled up by meetings and seminars.
But overall, I like living here. I'm 22 years old, I needed to move out of the house and make some kind of living. As long as I get to see my family a few times a year, and make sure I call them often, I shouldn't get too awfully homesick.
The Jake thing is going to be killer, though. I haven't seen him for like... a little over a week and its killing me already. Blah. He's so worth it, though.
That's all I got for now, I guess. Heading off to a meeting. Byes!