John Winchester and Wincest.

Jan 28, 2008 11:41

My mind is still reeling from this excellent story I read recently, which had Dean and Cassie having a reunion of sorts. Then of course, my mind went to the other end of the spectrum to this horrible, badly-written story about Dean and Cassie getting married, then her being a bitch to Sam, which led to him putting her in a death-like state, and then she was buried. That's not the worst of it: Sam and Dean get together at the end, and John is not only okay with it, but he's approving. Wait, what?

First off, in what universe would any father be happy that his sons are boinking?!? Secondly, in what universe would John Winchester be happy that his sons are boinking?!? I know the majority of the SPN fandom thinks he's a rotten father, who cared more about hunts than his sons, but I disagree. He loved his boys more than he loved himself, and regardless of what you think of his fatherly abilities, there is no way, no how he would be okay with them sleeping together. On top of that, I am confident that the kind of men John Winchester raised his boys to be would never turn to each other in such a manner, wouldn't even think about having a sexual relationship with each other. Again, no way, no how.

So you see, this is why I can never buy into Wincest. Ever. I think I can live with that.

wincest, dean/cassie

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