
Dec 18, 2007 11:18

I just got back from visiting a very close friend of mine and his brother in, well not the boondocks, but the kind of town where you need a car to get around. They didn't have any Internet; I could die. There's only so much TV even *I* can watch during the day without getting bored out of my fucking mind. I was so bored that I cleaned his room, his bathroom, did his laundry, folded it, cleaned up the kitchen (you know, since they're boys and all ), cooked and did it all over again. Finally I feel connected to the virtual world again! Yay! I'm not going to be staying over anytime soon, I'll tell you that much.

I also decided that I should actually start writing in this journal. That is what it's for, after all. Besides, it's more for enunciating my own thoughts into words than anything else. So to everybody, welcome to my crazy mind :).

dany, personal

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