Jan 15, 2006 21:06
Whenever I look at that picture tucked safely away in my wallet, I’m reminded of the exhilaration, the satisfied feeling of not having a care in the world, the essence of living in the moment with precious friends, the perfect moment I experienced that night. Everything went without flaw; I felt like I stood on top of the world, my Rufio outfit sustained me through the night, almost everyone dressed to the teeth with madness, the music swayed and moved the crowd with precision and funk, and I experienced it all with a close group of ladies and gentlemen.
Everyone has that moment in which they wish they could return, even if for a short while. For some the perfect moment may be their wedding day kiss. Time stands still as if in a picture. The culmination of family and love unify to create a forever lasting moment decorated with black tuxedos, flying bouquets of flowers, glasses of champagne, and wedding cake frosting. Two people, drunk with love, come together joining their two families into one gigantic extended family. The moment is unparalleled with joy and celebration for the two love birds. For others, or maybe even the same couple, the perfect moment may be the birth of their first born. The realization of actually giving rise to another human life takes the breath away and brings tears of euphoria to the eyes. Robin Williams’ character, Peter Banning, in the movie Hook, searches for his happy thought, or as I like to call it, perfect moment. It turns out to be his first born son Jack, and with that thought, he is able to soar above the clouds.
Graduation also signified an outstanding moment in my life, as well as the end of an era and the beginning of another, the end of childhood and the beginning of adulthood. The moment our blue caps took flight, I knew, along with my graduating class, that I had taken the step. The flurry of blue caps and gowns, diplomas in hand, crying and hollering new borns and awestruck families were all evidence of the miraculous transition.
Being in high school, no one went to the school dances. Bogus Ball was the only dance which people actually went to and had fun at. All the other dances during the school year were barren and lifeless. Bogus ball gave me the quick fix I needed to stay sane until the end of school. Graduation comes to be a close second, but Bogus Ball 2004, so far, is my perfect moment.
I will always remember my days in high school and my fantastic experiences at Bogus Ball.