Apr 07, 2006 03:32
Can't sleep.
San Diego tomorrow.
I miss Nikkie. She does it for me and she prolly doesn't even know it.
I got a shitload of drinkin money for the karaoke bar tomorrow, hahah!
Tips are awesome.
I love pool.
I want my future secure. Next few years should be interesting.
Go Chargers!
Gotta stop in and say goodbye to Sears tomorrow. I'm gonna miss being there for my boss cuz she knew she could count on me.
Holy crap, I cooked her dinner yesterday. What the hell was I thinking? My fried rice could've been way better -_-; Gonna have to study ma's techinique a little more.
Washed the jeepney and changed it's oil today. She purrs like a beast now.
It's quiet in here. Everyone is sleeping.
I will never give up...
I hope she knows thats too.
Inside Man with Jason tomorrow.
Black Hawk Down the video game with Jason tomorrow.
X-Men Legends 2 with Jason tomorrow.
Good chillenz ahead of me.
Better find time to get that french homework done this weekend too, hahah. Maybe Sunday day.
No more Sears = More time for other more important things.
Sleep now.
End transmission.