...or how i learned to stop caring and love Nyquil

Oct 01, 2004 13:42

ive had this horrible sinus infection and cough for about a week now, so last nite i decided to take some nyquil and just pass out. i figured id sleep like a baby and be fresh in the morning, ready to go to class rejuvenated and relieved of my syptoms etc.

but, i took too much. HOLY SHIT. i was like tripping all night. WTF MAN. i woke up talking and moving around and i couldnt do anything about. i was like paralyzed or some shit. fuck that.

when i woke up i could hardly stand up straight. on my way to class i nearly passed out. GG nyquil. you fuck


i figure that being a political science major obliges me to make a little statement about the debate.

it had some ups and downs. i thought kerry shined throughout the debate, always tactful and alert. bush seemed to be anxious and defensive and was often at a loss for words. both candidates acted like a bunch of girls. they both dodged issues and reverted to making character judgements about the opponent. kinda pathetic, but whatever (takes a grain of salt).

i expected exactly what i got. Lord knows Bush is a horrible speaker and is even worse at making logical progressions in thought and speech. Kerry finally gave his fucking opinion on several key foreign issues. its too little too late though, i suppose.

so it goes.

what did surprise me was the number of students voting for bush. i figured that there would be far more liberals in an institution of higher learning, perhaps this assumption was totally offbase. whatever. country is done. people dont realize that the REAL issues are not abortion, gay marriage, et c., but rather things with more extensive ramifications, such as the economy and foreign policy. bush has isolated us from the rest of the world.
(although he was very quick to point out to mr kerry that countries such as Britian and Poland are in the 'coalition.' We couldnt have done it without poland folks. God Bless Poland. thats crazy tho because to date there have been 1,198 coalition deaths, 1,059 Americans, 68 Britons, six Bulgarians, one Dane, two Dutch, one Estonian, one Hungarian, 19 Italians, one Latvian, 13 Poles, one Salvadoran, three Slovaks, 11 Spaniards, two Thai and nine Ukrainians, in the war in Iraq as of October 1, 2004. Doesnt seem like there are many Polacks in the shit, does it? BUT DAMN, GOD BLESS POLAND ANYWAY.)

america depends on the world to fuel its massive furnace of greed and decandence, yet mr bush insists on burning bridges and revisiting personal vendettas.

whatever though. if we can make it through the next 4 years alright, im pretty sure we can make it through just about anything.

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