Aug 05, 2004 22:06
Nothing cool happened today. Nothing incredibly fun. I went to Drew's, and we got in an arguement about her death day. That really bothered me, I still don't understand her.
Nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing nothing all day long. We sing absolutely nothing, how do you like our nothing song. Second verse, same as the first, a little bit louder and a little bit worse! Nothing nothing nothing nothing...
I talked to David. He's cool. I haven't talked to him in like a month. So that was awesome. I miss that kid.
Tomorrow is my last day of work! Yay!!!!!!! It is about time.
Last night I saw Anchorman, and Andrea. Andrea is amazing, and I'm relly gald I saw her because it ahs been too freakin' long. I really want her to move back for a semester or whatever. She can live with me too, if she really wants to. I'd like Emily's house better though.
My sister is leaving in a week. Oh sigh. I really am sad I promise! I'm just hiding away my angst. Steffi had to say bye to her yesterday, that was really sad. Steffi and I are going to go visit her together...someday.
Okay, so I've said a lot for nothing going on. I'm done.
Maddi, I'll miss you while your at the beach!!!