Tired AGAIN!!

Sep 11, 2005 19:12

Well...my weekend was a blast.....Justin and his friend from back home went to the Keith Urban concert at the Gorge....they ran into my best friends Nicole and Lisa from back in the day....which I thought was very cool. I stayed at his appartment in Spokane...Ryan came and got me around 10ish..and I piled in the car with his friends..we went to a gay bar in Spokane called Dempsey's...it was fun...It was also Nate's birthday...HAPPY BIRTHDAY NATE!!!! and then we went to this bar called the bulldog in GU campus...and it was fun......And I didnt get to bed til friggin 4:30am.....then Ryan drove me bum home at 10..and I totally took a nap all day. Anyways..that's about it....I need to rest this week...we are all going to seattle thursday..and I need rest....Justin, Ryan, and I..OH..and I think I have Jay going too....it should be exciting....I'll be there til sunday....and I'm brining Wes back with me...so that will be fun. Anyways..Im out...hope everyone is well =)
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