Five "Firsts" Ennis & Jack Never Had: Part Two

Apr 26, 2008 21:51

Title: Fate Meets Destiny 
Author: bbmgirlfan
Pairing: Ennis/Jack (AU/AU)
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: just playing with the boys, they don't belong to me

Summary: Jack and Ennis grew up together and even went to the same college before moving back home to take over each family's business. They became roommates but that's all they were! Or, is it?

Author's Note: While writing this story, I got to a stuckpoint and I decided to take a break in writing Fate Meets Destiny but still wanted to play around in the universe. I was curious about what their lives might have been like before we meet them. I wondered what it would have been like had they become aware of their attraction sooner. So I decided to write Five Firsts Ennis & Jack Never Had.

First Kiss

Though Ennis had just turned 13 last week, he'd had more fun during tonight's movie marathon with Jack than he'd had at the birthday party his parents had given him. Jack was spending the night and they'd spent several hours after their pizza dinner watching movies in the basement.

They had turned out all the lights but the steady stream of light from the movie screen Ennis's folks had had installed and the dancing, flickering lights from the fireplace had made it possible to see pretty clearly. The fire was beginning to die down, though. Jack had grabbed a blanket and thrown it over their legs but Ennis raised it up to his shoulders after his third shiver in a row.
Now that the movie they had just watched was over, Jack was flipping channels.

"God, that kiss was hot!" Ennis was thinking about the movie.

"Yeah, I liked the way their tongues touched in the air like that!" Jack agreed.



"Have you ever kissed anyone?"

"You know I haven't. Not since that time we played Spin the Bottle when were little kids." Ennis laughed. "Remember Suzy running after you 'cause didn't want to kiss her?"

Jack laughed, too. "Yeah."

"Well, do you ever worry that when the time comes to kiss someone, you won't do it right?"

Ennis shrugged. "I don't know ... I guess"

"I mean, how do people ever get to kiss as good as they do in the movies?" Jack wondered.

"I don't know. I guess they practice a lot." Ennis suggested as they both idly watched a toothpaste commercial that ended with two people kissing.

"We could practice." Jack suggested.

"What do you mean?" Ennis asked, glancing at Jack before looking back at the TV to see what was on the next channel.

"Well, what if we practiced on each other until we were good at it? I mean, it would be a secret, of course, and we'd get good at it and then, all the girls would want to kiss us!" Jack explained.

"You want us to kiss each other?" Ennis clarified. Jack nodded.

Ennis rolled his eyes and was about to yell at him that he must have lost his mind. But then he looked into his eyes and realized something that startled him. Jack wanted to kiss him!

Although that scared the shit out of him, it also thrilled him. He felt kind of tingly in the pit of his stomach. He remembered that once before he'd caught himself looking at Jack's lips and scared himself by wondering what it would feel like to kiss him.

Maybe Jack had wondered, too?

It still felt a little scary, but in a good kind of way. And as long as they kept it a secret, who cared if they kissed a little?

"You promise not to tell anyone?" Ennis demanded.

"I promise!"


"I swear!"

"Okay." Ennis agreed.

Jack flipped off the TV and put down the remote as they leaned in toward each other, eyes wide. Their lips came together softly as their eyes remained open and connected. They pressed them together gently, once, and then, again before they broke apart.

"I liked that," Jack said shyly, "but can we try opening our mouths a little?"


This time, they opened their mouths, but at first, they still weren't sure what to do with them. Then Ennis remembered seeing some show where the guy was sucking on the girl's bottom lip. So he moved his head a little and grabbed Jack's bottom lip, sucking on it like he would a piece of candy, but softer.

He was loving the way Jack's lip felt but he noticed that Jack wasn't really kissing him back. "Did that feel good?" he asked Jack. Jack nodded and smiled.

"Okay, now you try it!" Ennis suggested, and then, was totally unprepared for the shocked delight he felt as Jack began sucking his lip. It was as if Jack had grabbed him and it felt really good!

Soon they remembered that with movie kisses, there's always mutual sucking going on. So they began switching off who got to suck on the bottom lip and they found that the act of grabbing at and catching each other's lips felt almost as good as the actual sucking itself! They paused frequently to discuss the wonder of it all, as well as some of the mechanical details, and then went back to enthusiastic kissing, arms wrapped around each other, chests pressed together.

"Oh my god!" Jack exclaimed as they once again surfaced for air. "I see why they grab each other's hair! After a while, you get kind of lightheaded." he told Ennis.

Ennis was feeling rather lightheaded himself but felt kind of embarrassed about saying so.

"Wanna try the tongue thing we saw in the movie?" he asked Jack.


"But you have to be Kelly McGillis!" Ennis said.

So Jack stretched out on the couch to prepare for a Top Gun kiss. As Ennis placed an arm on either side of Jack's waist and began to lower himself onto Jack, there was a sexy expression on Jack's face that Ennis hadn't seen before. It made his heart speed up a little!

For a few seconds, their tongues tangled outside of their mouths and both sighed in pleasure. But then Ennis sank fully onto Jack and they frenched each other in earnest.

They both realized they were hard at about the same time and stopped, both nervous as they searched each other's eyes. Then Ennis gave an involuntary thrust. Jack, eyes widening, responded with one of his own and grabbed the back of Ennis's head, pulling it down as he lifted his own to meet it.

five things, part two, fate meets destiny, au/au, jack/ennis, bbmgirlfan

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