Sep 11, 2009 17:17

[Video Post;]

[Luke's sitting there, looking waaaay more than a bit pissed off, along with appearing to have a black eye and a lot of other bruises and scrapes because he had to deal with the Gestapo the previous night. He is Not Happy, and he glares at the camera. The cell is pretty dark and dingy and totally a horrible place for a Goodwill Ambassador as well. Oh, you can imagine the whining that he's been doing.]

What the hell!? I'm the Goodwill Ambassador! I'm not supposed to be treated like this! Just because I apparently "disturb the peace" means nothing, dammit!


[He then crosses his arms and proceeds to sulk, since he's already tried and failed to get out of this stupid cell and HE HATES EVERYTHING RIGHT NOW for the record.]


[At a much later time, Luke can still be seen with a Not Happy look on his face, but this time? He's covering his ears. His punishment is something that involves REALLY LOUD NOISES that won't stop ever.

And he really wants it to stop, dammit.]

this is stupid, i hate everyone, i hate this place, i hate the city, i'm the goodwill ambassador, get me out of here, i want my lawyer

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