
Feb 20, 2009 19:51

Taken from Bell's LJ
u can do it here too
Okamoto Keito

Name: Emma Gwent
Boyfriend: Keito Okamoto
Best Friends: Ryo, Yuto, Ryutaro, Chii
Enemies: All Keito fans
How You Met Keito:
You were quietly sitting outside in your backyard, writing in a small notebook. You were actually supposed to get ready to go to the Okamotos’ party but you decided you would write till your mother came to get you.
“Emma! Are you ready to go?” Your mothers voice called out to you.
You scrambled to your feet and ran to your room, while your mother was downstairs in the kitchen. You laid your book on your dresser and went over to your closet. You pulled out a white knee length skirt and a dark blue tank-top. You slipped on some blue flats and began to run down the stairs while throwing your hair in a ponytail. You slid down the banister the rest of the way. You set down in a chair as your mother looked for her jacket.
“So why do I have to go to the Okamoto’s?” you asked.
You had actually been dreading this moment since your mom had told you two weeks ago. You had just moved to Tokyo from London, and you knew some Japanese, buy you weren’t that good yet. Your mom had told you that it would be a good to meet another family who had moved from England to Japan, but you knew that they had originally come from Japan anyways. And she had also said that there would be lots of kids there, but you weren’t really comfterble talking in Japanese yet.
“Because, Shizu (I made this name up for Keito’s mom, ignore it…) is my friend and she invited both of us to her party,” your mother said turning to you.
You let out a sigh and said, “Oh how lucky are we.”
You mother gave you look, “Be nice tonight. No sarcastic remarks.” She said.
You shrugged and just gave her a small nod and stood up form the chair, “So what, are we waking to get there, mum?” you say, crossing your arms across your chest.
“ Of coarse we’re walking! They are just right down the road,” You mother said.
~At The Okamotos’~
As soon as you got there you were greeted by Shizu.
“Oh Melony! (your mom’s name) I’m so happy to see you!” sShizu said hugging your mother.
“I’m happy to see you too, Shizu! Thank you for inviting us over,” your mom said.
“No worries. You are always welcomed over here. And who may this beautiful young lady be?” Shizu, as your mom had called her, asked.
You blinked a few times at her and finally said, “I’m Emma. Nice to meet you Okamoto-san,”
“Nice to meet you, too. You may call me Shizu, okay? English style.” She said to you.
You give her a small smile and nodded. All of a sudden you hear a scream and some laughter. Then two boys came out and got behind Shizu with another boy death glaring them from the other side of her, he was soaking wet and had some spiders on him.
You gulped slightly. You hated spiders.
“Mum! Look what they did! They poured water on me and threw spiders at me!” The wet boy said (in english!) jumping slightly as he tried to get the spiders off.
Shizu turned around and bopped the two other boys on the heads, “Yuto-kun! Ryosuke-kun! You know better, do I need to call your parents?” Shizu scolded the two (dang, back to Japanese)
Then, for the first time, the boys took notice of you, and ignoring that last remark, one said “Hi, I’m Ryosuke and this is my friend Yuto,” the boy named Ryosuke said to you.
“We hear you English” Yuto said in horrible english, “At your service, mam” He bowed and kissed your hand.
You giggled and said, “I’m Emma. Nice to meet you.”
You look past them at the other boy who had just got the spiders off of him. You jumped slightly as one past you. That got a laugh from the two.
“Hi. I’m Keito,” He said (English again), putting his hand out to you, “And they’re idiots.”
“Wha?” Ryo said cluelessly.
You giggled and shook his hand while saying, “I’m Emma.”
How Keito Asked You Out:
For the past few summers, you had hung out at the Okamotos’ a lot. Attending all the parties. You regretted ever dreading to come here that first day. You were sitting in the guest room, writing in your journal. You smiled as you finished and put it back in your bag.
You got up and were ready to go see Chii. Keito had just gone to get him and it sounded like they were back, but the sound of the door downstairs.
Meanwhile Keito and Chii were standing in the hallway, talking in hushed tones.
“I know Saki (a girl in his class) means well, but she keeps sending me all these love letters about how we should get together. She knows I like Emma,” Keito grumbled.
Chii nodded and said, “Well don’t worry about it,”
At this moment you were rounding the corner and stopped short behind Keito.
“Well she can be so annoying sometimes! She acts all to friendly. Sometimes I just can’t stand to be around her,” Keito said.
Chii was trying to tell Keito to stop, and you felt tears swell up in your eyes. Finally, Keito turned when he heard you sob.
“You should have just told me the truth instead of talking behind my back.” You screamed and ran back into the guest room, locking the door behind you.
Keito came after you, but you were in the room crying before he could even get to the door.
“Emma, I wasn’t talking about you!” he yelled through the door.
You didn’t even bother to listen to him at all.
You yelled through the door to him, “You don’t have to be nice if you don’t want to, just stop.” You whimpered slightly after and there was silence.
You heard Shizu call for everyone to come to dinner, but you didnt attend. A few hours later you decided you might as well go get whatever was leftover for you since your stomach was complaining quite loudly. You walked to the door and opened it to hit a sleeping Keito slumped against the wall.
He woke up instantly with a shout, “Emma!” He exclaimed while standing up.
You just looked down, “I’m no-“
You were cut off by Keito, “Look Emma, I wasn’t talking about you. I was talking about Saki. I’m sorry about the confusion,” He said rubbing the back of his head, “She’s been kinda stalkerish lately.”
“She must really like you then.”
“Yeah, but she knows I like someone else.”
“Oh, you do?” you sounded disappointed, so you tied to cover it up, “Well, I like someone too.”
“You do?! Who?”
“It’s a secret”
There was an aquard silence, during whch you relized Keito must not have eaten either, and he had waited all that time for you, and your stomach growled again. And Keito’s eyes were wandering around the room when they landed on a ripped out journal page.
He smiled and just as you were about to apologise he kissed you on the lips.
You pulled away and gasped, “What was that for?”
“You like me,” he said, gesturing to the page, the one on the floor with his name in a little heart, “and… the other someone I like is you.”
This time you kissed him and he pulled you closer and kissed back.
When you both released, he smiled at you and said, “So, this means were going out?” He looked at you hopefully.
You laugh and say, Yes.
What They Think Of You:
Ryo: She seems quiet at first, but she is really nice and funny.
Ryutaro: She is very nice and helps me out a lot. She is pretty, too.
Chii: She’s good for Ron. He really likes her.
Yuto: She’s fun to prank. She just laughs it off and gets me back.
Keito: I love her with all of my heart. Shes so special to me.
Yabu: She’s sweet.
Daiki: She is very pretty and nice.
Hikaru: Who? Oh her, she seems nice.
Kei: I’m not sure about her, I guess she’s cool.
Yuya: Really nice, she helps me with my englsih!

johnny's, meme, hsj

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