May 07, 2005 22:45
i think i'm going to write an apology letter. to everyone. because i don't live up to anyone's expectations. i upset myself. i don't get what the point of life is. i mean, the point of life is not to go to school for 16 years, then get an ok job, have a few lauohs, take a few vacations, support your kids, then retire and live off some shitty pension plan, and the only thing you have left to care for is your lawn and your kids. no. 16 years of school for an ok job. than you die, and have shit to show for it. and ur told o well. and your definetly not special. because at this moment, some other chump is going through the same shit, so o well life sux. i refuse to live. 16 years of phisics(sp?) geometry and shit. for an ok job. but than you'll just die and have shit to show for it. and everyone who cries and remebers you dearly, yup, they die tooo, o well, life sux. unless you strick it in the billions. unless your rich and famous and can make your kids be born in to money. than ok, your life is fufuilled, but then your kids are rich assholes. o well, life sux. and 16 years of school. just for basic collage. what has school done for me so faar other than get me in ttrouble? nothing.
and this is easy, becuase our contry is not being bombed, and we have a urpluss of food, and decent medicine so this is easy. americans have it easy.
all of these american children are fat, and they all have guns. so now we end up with fat kids shooting each other. this is the point of life? no thank you.
"o well life sux , deal" oooooooo but i'm talking about how my mom expects me to get straight a's just cuz she did, and im like ooooo well sorry i dont meet her expectations because she was a straight a student.. and m uncle is like she dosnt want straight a's she just wants you to pass. so just pass. the hilarious part of this is that my uncle is a drop out who lives with his siter. so lets take advice from him.
life sux, o well, deal, not my problem.