Sep 25, 2014 14:18
Hello, all, from Granada, Spain!
We got here Monday morning and things have been pretty busy ever since. The flight here wasn't the best, but also wasn't as hellish as some others I've had, thanks to my parents getting me some dramamine- I managed to doze a little on the flight (also thanks to the two seats next to me being empty) and I didn't get too sick, so good luck all around.
We spent the first two days in a hotel in the center of Granada as we met each other and got used to the city- we went for tapas the first night, which were absolutely delicious, and we stayed out for about two hours- meals out are definitely much more relaxed and take longer than back at home. Tuesday we took our Spanish placement exams- it took AGES, and I was so worried since the listening and reading comprehension were very tough, but I managed to score level 8 proficiency, so I'm very proud. Then on Wednesday we went out for churros and chocolate for breakfast- I wasn't feeling so good but they still tasted fine and I enjoyed being out with everyone (even though it gets hot during the day, the mornings and evenings are lovely). We went back to the university center to choose our classes, and then we went back to the hotel to meet our host families/go to our apartments.
My host mom is so lovely. We live in a very nice, spacious apartment in the south of Granada, about a twenty minute walk from my univercity's center and maybe twenty five from where I'm going to have my classes. There are other international students staying here, but no one else from her family. There are cat pictures and statues EVERYWHERE. I have my own room with a big window overlooking our balcony, where she has lots of cacti and incense plants. Yesterday afternoon when I got to the apartment we had a long conversation after I unpacked, about politics and abortion (they're discussing a law about it in Spain now) and feminism (she's a v. big feminist, apparently) and then fun things like cats. XD She is very fun to talk to and I understand practically everything she says. I'm so happy. ;-;
I *did* make a few mistakes last night, tho- first, when I was coming back from our scavenger hunt around the center of town, I forgot what floor I lived on and had to sit in the stairwell for a while until someone I recognized came out of the apartment- I wasn't quite panicking, but I was prepared to cry and ask the next Spaniard I met for help, because I didn't have the phone number of anyone who could tell me where I lived. Thankfully it worked out then, but later when I came home from the supermarket I couldn't get into the apartment cause I didn't know which way to turn the key. x_x I know how to do it all now, FINALLY. Hoping I don't run into any more problems..
Today we had another scavenger hunt in the Albayzin, the neighborhood in the north of Granada. It was very hilly, and the roads were hard to navigate- the map was VERY unhelpful, but the locals gave us good directions and we found most of our places. I was also really excited because I found the place where my high school took us when I was in Granada last- the Mirador de San Nicolas. The view is very very beautiful, and there were people playing flamenco music and selling pretty jewelry and rocks- I bought my brother a present of black tiger coral. I'll probably end up buying himself something else, this can't be a Christmas present on its own, but I'm glad I found something I know he'll like.
I feel a little bad, because I haven't been able to write or do much (any) forcing lately, but I know that's just because I've been very busy and stressed. I did walk a bit with Sherlock today- of course HE'S got sunglasses and I don't, and I desperately need them- but I need to find some time to set aside and talk to him and John. I miss them. ;-; I also need to get to imagining again. I've totally lost the thread of my story I'm writing, and I need to find it again. *sigh*
Tonight we're supposed to go see the Cathedral- I'm going to plan on going, but my stomach keeps randomly feeling awful so I'll see how I'm doing. Besides, I've probably seen it before in high school. >.> In any case, after tonight we're free until Wednesday because that's when classes start. I'm very excited. ^_^ But yes, all in all, this trip is starting out very well, and I haven't really felt homesick (well, for America, anyway. I'm always homesick for London <3). I feel very comfortable in Spain. :)
study abroad: granada