Sep 21, 2010 14:00
Well, we had an amazing weekend, though it passed much too quickly. Saturday was calmer, as Javi went out shopping with some friends (is he gonna have any space left in his suitcase by the end of this thing? >.>), and in guitar lessons we started Roundabout by Yes. It already seems pretty difficult, but I want to know at least one really challenging piece. :)
Sunday was, I think, the best day of the exchange so far. Javi and I went to Dorney Park, along with two friends, their Spaniards, and another girl we're kinda friends with (I don't like her) who wanted to come along. The car was a little squished, because we tried to fit three people into the back row when it could only fit two, but... we survived. ;) The first ride we went on was Talon, a very fast roller-coaster that takes you upside-down several times. I hadn't taken my keys/phone out of my pocket, so I spent most of the ride being anxious instead of enjoying it, but thankfully nothing came out. Then we went on another one called Hangtime, which is like a huge bench that straps you in really tight and then rocks you, eventually holding you upside down. Again, my stuff was in my pocket (after that, I gave my stuff to someone who had a bag) and I had the horrible luck (that I discovered several HOURS later) that the straps pushed my phone open and on, and got me on the internet somehow... so I may have a huge amount on the phone bill next time it comes. >.> Here's hoping Dad won't make me pay it.
We went on two water rides after that (NOT a good idea), one with waterfalls that completely DRENCHED me with cold water over and over and over- I got hit by every one. :P Ecstatic that I took my shoes off, even if I did step on a splinter that REALLY hurt b/c of that. >.> The other one just got you wet with a mist, and that was much more fun. :)
We rode practically every ride, including a carousel and ferris wheel near the end of the day. Tried to go on the moonbounce at Camp Snoopy, but we were too big/old. :( Thunderhawk, the wooden one, I went on with Javi (which was quite nice :) though nobody else cared for it, Hydra, a smaller upside-down roller coaster was amazing and we went on it at least twice, once with a front-row seat. I loved it. Steel Force, a really fast (though normal) coaster was fun, but didn't really live up to the other ones. :P
The park had two new rides, one of which was pathetic. You went up, as if in an elevator, then dropped down... and that was it. Very short drop (though it was tall, I'll grant it that) and not very comfortable. The other one, Possessed, was AMAZING. It never did the same thing twice, which is why I think I liked it. It was basically a huge U, and when you started, you SHOT forward- sometimes it would twist you, sometimes not. Then you'd go backwards, and the second or third time it would start taking you down, then -hold-, so you'd be hanging by your shoulder straps, facing the ground. I could have gone on that all day (though I admit I started feeling sick after lunch when we revisited it :P).
Me and the Americans went on one ride that the Spaniards refused- you sit in a cage. It has a roof and floor, but no seatbelt or straps at all. There are only bars on either side holding you in. It starts to spin you in a circle, steadily increasing steepness until you're going in a vertical circle. It was scary, but REALLY exciting. There was another similar one where you're strapped into that we went on, too, but it wasn't as fun.
The Spaniards took a lot of pictures, and I think they had a lot of fun. We did a lot of repeats on rides, and right before we left we went on Talon twice (I shouldn't have, 'cause I felt very sick, but I did anyway :P). I got to sit next to Javi multiple times, which was cool- I finally got to see him happy, excited, *doing* something. :) When we're at home, on the bus, etc., he doesn't say much, doesn't show a whole lot of emotion, so it was nice *knowing* that he was happy.
And then comes the week. I am so depressed, knowing he's leaving on Friday, and the house is just never going to feel the same. I know I complain a lot about the awkwardness, but it's so nice having somebody new there, and I'm going to be so lonely after he leaves. I know I'll see him again in January, and in the interim/after, there's always the internet to communicate, but it's not the same. I'm going to remember all these days forever. For all the stress/anxiety, I'm so glad I did this. I love Javi so much.
Yesterday they went to Amish country (which Javi said was kind of boring) and then we took Maria home with us. Watched them play Scrabble in Spanish (and learned a couple new words in the process), then make words/pictures w/ the letters afterwards. They took several pictures of what they made. :P Then we played Apples to Apples- me, them, my brother, and the "eh" girl from Sunday. It was a lot of fun, and Javi ended up winning, though he and Maria had to reach for the dictionary several times during the game. :P
Then, finally, comes today. They got to go to the Art Museum (which I really wanted to do, more to hang out w/ the Spaniards than anything, I admit), and I couldn't go b/c I had to leave at 11:30 to get my braces back on. I suppose I'm a little happy about that, though my teeth hurt like hell. :( Hopefully they'll feel better soon.
I'm having such a great time, though I dread my next report here, as it will likely be after Javi's gone home. But until then, I will enjoy things as much as I can. Love you all!