
Apr 16, 2009 06:27

Hey, it's my birthday today! :) God, I don't feel 15.. I still think I'm 13. :P 'Cause it's just not right for me to be the same age/older than some of the guys.

Anyway, wonder how many people at school will know. Looking forward to tonight, and the weekend, 'cause we're gonna be going to the Spanish restaurant this weekend! Huzzah.
Got to go get ready for school now- probably will update this post tonight.


EDIT: Thank you all for the birthday wishes. It feels like every other day is a birthday this month, so sorry if it gets repetitive. But they're fun, yes? Only one more! :P Will edit again tonight.

Edit edit: Well, that was fun. We had pizza for dinner with ice cream pie for dessert. (yum, though now we're stuffed. X_X) I LOVE my new camera- it's not particularly pretty, but the picture makes the family room look nicer than it actually is, so... :P you guys might be seeing some pictures of our life soon. ^_^
I got porcupine quill earrings, with little beads on them. SO awesome- wearing them tomorrow. Got some mangas from my cousin, and season 2 of House. :D My brother got a two video games and a DS lite. (Which I am *so* going to take to play my Japanese game. :P)
So, overall, very good. Saturday we go to the Spanish restaurant! Yay!

Last edit for tonight. Goodnight, people!


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