Feb 24, 2009 16:23
I gotta apologize for lately.. though it's more to my system than anybody else, writing it down makes it feel more official, I guess.
I am a pretty stubborn guy, and I can get angry really easy. And the past few days.. I've been randomly blowing up at people, including Sarah's family and a teacher.. it's not that big of a deal for me, because I used to do it so much, but here that doesn't really work.
I don't know why I've been so much more angry lately than usual.. we're doing the experiment to see if Sarah can stay off her medicine, so maybe that's it. (I find it kinda weird that it suppressed me more than her.. but I *am* the one who gets angry the most..) Well, we've promised Sarah that anger is something that we're going to work on with her doctor.. so hopefully we'll (I'll) get better at managing it.
But it's so hard, you know? When something happens and then you get that prickling feeling? in your head and you just *have* to say something stupid, or do something, even if you know you're not supposed to. And then when somebody responds, and you know that they're not really angry at you, but you think they are, and it keeps going.. yeah. Like, there's that urge to vindicate yourself, and you can't just shut up and you need to have the last word, no matter what.
Definitely something we need to work on. Anybody else had anger problems?