a quiz for all you non-friends

Jul 28, 2004 11:15

Name: Brenda
Do you like it?: eh it's okay
Nicknames: bren, shorty, munchkin, pixie, blueberry, etc they go on and on
Screen names: ur only gettin one...blueberry1608
Age: 19 (almost 20!)
Birthday: 8-7
Sign: Leo
Location: Henrietta
School: MCC
Status: single...for now ;-)
Crush: oh yeah big time crush
Virgin?: what do u think?
Natural hair color: dark brown
Current hair color: dark brown w/reddish highlights
Eye color: brown/green
Height: 4'11"
Birthplace: Rochester, NY
Shoe size: 6 1/2 to a 7 depending on shoe styles

[ family ]
Parents: Bernie and Debbie
Siblings: Bernard Joseph (aka B.J) and Brad
Live with: both parents, and brad
Favorite relative: my "niece" Suzy

[ favorites ]
Number: 21
Color: BLUE!!!
Day: Friday
Month: August
Song: Amazed by Lonestar
Movie: the Outsiders
Food: Chili
Band: Lonestar
Season: Winter and nice cool days in the Summer
Sport: Nascar
Class: My easy-ass typing courses at MCC
Drink: Sex on the beach
Veggie: Potatoes
Radio Station: 92.5 the bee cuz of newman and great songs and hot singers *coughtimMcgrawcough*
Store: Old Navy
Word: worf..lol darcy..other fav. word lol
Animal: Dolphin
Flower: Blue Carnations..and Red Roses
State: NY
Pet: cat or dog
Experience: hanging out w/wally at the roost
Facial expression: the huh? face :-D
Laugh: one of my friend's ;-)
Music Genre: country..and some pop
Boys Name: im not tellin you that one :-P
Girls Name: Skylar

hair-do: idk ?
place: haha we wont go there
fear: getting raped <--i'll have to agree darcy
injury: idk...
Movie: Harry Potter
Tv show: idk if it was the worst show i prolly didnt watch it more than once
Gross-out: throwing up
Smell: snuck? wtf darcy?...lol worst smell would have to be fish ewww
Taste: green apple...i hate that shit
Activity: social studies homework..when i was in h.s. god i hated those classes
Song: This One's for the Girls....i hate that song!
Celebrity: Clay Aiken--just kiddin Darc..it would have to be this guy who i cant remember his name...damn it!
Color: eww that puke green
Experience: funerals..enough said
Band: Korn...i hate that band
Season: those hot summers gross!
Class: SOCIAL STUDIES!!!! ewwwwwww
Day: Tuesdays...cuz it's boring at the roost
Laugh: certain girl's laughs
Drink: wine
Pet: snakes...ewwwwwwwwwwwwwwww
Number: i dont have a worst number...
Music Genre: that stupid rap crap :-P
Boys Name: Dick <--i agree darcy
Girls name: Hope..unless you really had to hope
Noise: nails on the blackboard....eeeeeeeeeh
Phrase: Can You Smell What the Rock is cooking....hate that phrase!!
Quote: idk for this one
Pet Peeve: gettin to involved..but good thing for some ppl cuz idc what they do nemore

[ this or that ]
Me/You: Him..*blushes*
Coke/pepsi: pepsi!
Day/night: night..unless he comes over to hang out during the day
Aol/aim: AIM
Cd/cassette: Cd
Dvd/vhs: either one...dvd is good thou
Jeans/khakis: jeans
Car/truck: truck
Tall/short: either one
Lunch/dinner: dinner
NSYNC/BSB: both are decent
Britney/Christina: NEITHER
Gap/Old Navy: Old Navy
Lipstick/Lipgloss: gloss
Silver/Gold: silver
Alcohol/Weed: alcohol

[ the past ]
What is the one thing you would change about your past?: idk nuttin but i'll change this if i think of something...
Last thing you heard: Grampa talkin to dad and kevin
Last thing you saw: other than this screen...the guests in our kitchen
Last thing you said: Hi Grampa!!
Who is the last person you saw?: my dad, my grampa, kevin, mom and brad
Who is the last person you hugged?: Grampa
Who is the last person you fought with?: idk...
Who is the last person you were on the phone with?: umm...idk :-/
What is the last TV show you saw?: Dawson's Creek
What is the last song you heard?: How Far

[ the present ]
What are you wearing?: clothes
What are you doing?: taking the quiz
Who are you talking to?: nobody
What song are you listening to?: nothing
Where are you?: my bedroom
Are you online?: yes
How are you feeling?: good
Are you in a chatroom?: nope

[ future ]
What day is it tomorrow?: Thursday :-D
What are you going to do after this?: see who's online
Who are you going to talk to?: nobody yet
Where are you going to go?: idk
How old will you be when you graduate?: already did and i was 18
What do you wanna be?: medical receptionist
What is one of your dreams?: something...ur not gonna find out...
Where will you be in 25 years?: how do i know?

[ have you ever ]
Drank?: hell yeah
Smoked?: nope
Had sex?: who wants to know? ;-)
Stolen?: nope
Done anything illegal?: idk
Wanted to die?: maybe
Hit someone?: oh yeah..wally

[ other ]
Do you write in cursive or print?: print
Are you a lefty or a righty?: righty
What is your sexual preference?: Guys!
What piercings do you have?: just my ears
Any tattoos?: 0
Do you drive?: occasionally
Do you have glasses or braces?: neither

[ physical appearance ]
What do you most like about your body?: idk
And least?: idk
How many fillings do you have?: umm 2 or 3?...
Do you think you're good looking?: yup
Do other people often tell you that you're good-looking?: idk
Do you look like any celebrities?: prolly not...but someone told me i do..i just cant remember which one

[ fashion ]
Do you wear a watch?: nope
How many coats and jackets do you own?: 2 or 3
Favorite pants/skirt color?: umm black or denim...
most expensive item of clothing?: my Abercrombie and Fitch t-shirt
Most treasured?: my silver necklaces that i never take off
What kind of shoes do you wear?: sneakers and sandles
Describe your style in one word: casual
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