LOL! I thought maybe "Chinman's window" was a reference to some restaurant or club! lol! Totally didn't connect it with "chin rat man!" lol!
Ah, Jane, how could you not love this story? Why, it's all my FAVORITE stuff in a B/J fic - weepy, girly Justin! Evil "Mickey!" Mopey, wimpy "Brain!" Abusive "Chinman!" Schmaltzy song lyrics! Who writes this shit? And even more of a puzzle - WHO the fuck READS it and thinks it's good??
LOL! I thought maybe "Chinman's window" was a reference to some restaurant or club! lol! Totally didn't connect it with "chin rat man!"
Me neither! Not until the brill larissa_j's remark connected it up. I was figuring it was a bar window.
Ah, Jane, how could you not love this story? Why, it's all my FAVORITE stuff in a B/J fic - weepy, girly Justin! Evil "Mickey!" Mopey, wimpy "Brain!" Abusive "Chinman!" Schmaltzy song lyrics!
It's practically out of the box of Bad!fic cliche's 101, isn't it? And how's THAT for a mixed metaphor? See! Anyone can do them. I think it's easier if you're not trying.
Who writes this shit? And even more of a puzzle - WHO the fuck READS it and thinks it's good??
Ooh. you have tempted me to go check the reviews and you are therefore evil. There's only one review of the three chapters posted. Yes, three.
From the redoubtable Gage, always superfantastic encouragement of the worst of the worst - does this person have ANY discriminating taste AT ALL?
What right does he have removing the letter?! That crack head!
Author's Response: I know!! I am totally anti-michael! HateHateHateHateHate him. He thinks he "OWNS" Brian. "I'm your BEST FRIEND" Whine whine whine. GOD! He so deserved to be punched in 301. I would've punched him a looot sooner, but Brian's just to sweet. *melt*. Great description of Michael btw, couldn't have said it better. Sisters in arms, huh? kiss XX L.
"A looot sooner" - That's interesting. How can Brian be to sweet? Brian often goes to suites, usually when he travels. God, I'm confused again.
Anyway, I tried to boot up her web site as posted, but the only thing that comes up is "Space not available."
Have you figured out who Chinman is? That's what I wanna know.
Other things might be broken, however. Like his dick.
When I think of Brian's dick, it's kind of like the Energizer Bunny. And about as interesting.
Yet I read you like a book.
Should have been like a play or script... huh?
Now THERE'S a concept!
Hey dumbass, even the blind can read. I think the word you are looking for is illiterate.
BBJFE wants to know what "illiterate" means.
and then fell down the elevator shaft/stairwell 'cuz I was blind. Damn those plot holes anyway!
I NO!!! Actually, that sounds a lot more interesting than this fic. You know, there are two more chapters? I didn't read them.
Who needs resolution anyway? Certainly not the fans!
I know. I still boil every time I hear anything even vaguely nice about this show.
Oh God, I broke my slide rule on that one. *cries*
and I'm done, I can't take anymore!
Oh, don't go away sickened! Slide rule, huh? That's about the best this fic rates, definitely!
It doesn't even rate that.
slide rules
Oh. My. God. You are SO not me.
I guess Chinman is ChinRatMan. boy, this "writer" can't get anything write. Ugh, shut me up, the bad!fic puns are worse than bad!fic.
You thought I was referring to playground rules? *snort*
Sorry dear.
Is it any wonder QAF makes my brain hurt?
I read Chinman and immediately thought of Ethan. I believe I should be frightened by this, no?
Ah, Jane, how could you not love this story? Why, it's all my FAVORITE stuff in a B/J fic - weepy, girly Justin! Evil "Mickey!" Mopey, wimpy "Brain!" Abusive "Chinman!" Schmaltzy song lyrics!
Who writes this shit? And even more of a puzzle - WHO the fuck READS it and thinks it's good??
Me neither! Not until the brill larissa_j's remark connected it up. I was figuring it was a bar window.
Ah, Jane, how could you not love this story? Why, it's all my FAVORITE stuff in a B/J fic - weepy, girly Justin! Evil "Mickey!" Mopey, wimpy "Brain!" Abusive "Chinman!" Schmaltzy song lyrics!
It's practically out of the box of Bad!fic cliche's 101, isn't it? And how's THAT for a mixed metaphor? See! Anyone can do them. I think it's easier if you're not trying.
Who writes this shit? And even more of a puzzle - WHO the fuck READS it and thinks it's good??
Ooh. you have tempted me to go check the reviews and you are therefore evil. There's only one review of the three chapters posted. Yes, three.
From the redoubtable Gage, always superfantastic encouragement of the worst of the worst - does this person have ANY discriminating taste AT ALL?
What right does he have removing the letter?! That crack head!
Author's Response: I know!! I am totally anti-michael! HateHateHateHateHate him. He thinks he "OWNS" Brian. "I'm your BEST FRIEND" Whine whine whine. GOD! He so deserved to be punched in 301. I would've punched him a looot sooner, but Brian's just to sweet. *melt*. Great description of Michael btw, couldn't have said it better. Sisters in arms, huh? kiss XX L.
"A looot sooner" - That's interesting. How can Brian be to sweet? Brian often goes to suites, usually when he travels. God, I'm confused again.
Anyway, I tried to boot up her web site as posted, but the only thing that comes up is "Space not available."
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