OMG Julia one of my BEST FRIENDS just posted a new chapter of Justin in the midnightwhishers website so hear is my review!!!
the hole things hear: Okay, so far brain bought a bottle and justin was in it! the bottle traps him there and lets him out adn brain doesn't know hes out but then justin duz stuff like his laundry so brain lays in wait and catches him one night and then fucks him and thats like five chapters! and jutsin keeps getting brought back into the bottle and let go so brain can only fuck him in like cycles and its all to sad. oh, and justin likes art!! and when the botttle sux him back in he goes back with one of brain's shirts and huddles in the bottle and brain goes and looks at his tiny wee form clutching and the shirt and weeping and it is too sad for words. So taht's the first five or so chapters.
in this chapter, Jen cums over to talk to brain about the loft for rent under his adn I said a little bit about that at the end of this review cuz I want to get to the kissing!!!
After the need for oxygen had brought the kiss to a halt
OMG Itizsoromantical!!!
Brian could have sworn he heard Justin's cry of anguish from the bottle and he swallowed and slumped back onto the pillows; his forearm across his eyes as tried to process what had happened. This was the first time he'd actually witnessed Justin being taken back and had felt totally powerless to prevent it; a feeling he wasn't used to and hated feeling so impotent… Brian checked on Justin with the magnifying glass and saw the young man was asleep on the floor of the bottle and wrapped only in the cotton shirt. Brian sighed
OMG He iz rapped in brain's shirt!!! Duzn't it make you just WEEP!!! IT MAKES ME CRY!!! And brain feeling impotent???? without his wee weeping sad like jutsin back trapped in the bottle? OMGOMGOMG AND BRAIN SIGHING waht else ken he do??
“They have two pedigree house cats they can't take with them immediately and they don't want to put them in a cattery ...”
So like cuz jutsininabottle caant get outa the loft, brain rents him the loft below his whiel the owners R outa town and there are 2 cats one of wich is gay OMG!!! And brain has to take care of em cuz otherwise, y'see, the owners would half to putem in the cattery, can you believe how mean??
N I LUV the eliptical elpsis elipsises. THey dont distract me at all from what peeple are saying and i dont care what jayen that bich sez!!!
But gradually coming round to the idea, Brian was now admitting, sort of, that he kinda liked the idea of Justin being around for the foreseeable, but actually thinking of them as being in a permanent relationship was something that Brian hadn't even begun to consider.
SEE! Brain wants his baby round for the foreseeable!! OMG ISNT THAT ROMANTICAL!!! Teh thing i dont really get tho iz how could brain not have even begun to consider the idea if we’re in his head and thinking ‘bout it? cuz, if its brain’s brain, how could he not be considering something he’s thinking bout?
Well, I don’t really care cuz this story is TOO GOOD!!!!
Being with Brian, or even just thinking about him, lifted Justin's spirits and he smiled to himself as he thought about those beautiful hazel eyes that gave way so much more than Brian realized.
OMG the hazel orbs are giving way!!! Acshully, sounds kind a messy, don’t it? But I no what the writer means so i don’t care!!!
Ok, so brain has a presentation and of coarse his sunshine helped him omg so romantic!!!
Brian was just winding up the presentation he'd taken over from the account manager who was currently recuperating from appendicitis, but he knew he had them.
Um. So, its good that brain got the account, i think. OR he got the appendicitis. I’m not too sure, but I’m sure its all good.
So brian is fixing up the loft underneath his and sunshine’s, right? So jutsin can paint and stuff cuz he’s just so naturally talented.
Giving Justin the chance to be able to start experimenting with his art was still a few days off and it wasn't difficult to see how the younger man was feeling so down. He made love with his usual exuberance, with Brian finding it more and more difficult to deny the attachment he knew he was developing with the young blond, despite his usual self-preservation methods, which strangely enough, weren't kicking in like they used to.
I luv that last sentence don’t you? He’s forming an attachment with sunshine!! (tho I kinda wonder if that’s the appendicitis getting passed around kinda like a communicated disease but i doubt it cuz that wood be bad and this is all good). And, i like how the author brings up every other paragraph the idea that brain has selfpreservation which kick him. They haven’t been at all around this fic!
So Jutsin’s depressed cuz he cant go outside cuz brain’s afraid the bottle’ll snatch him back (hee! I sed snatch!!). butt brain finally gives in cuz he can DENY SUNSHINE NOTHING!!!!They go to the dinner and so far so good rite?
“Well ... she practically raised me ... so I guess that would make her my Mother ...” and Justin saw Brian look down and hesitate before looking back up and smiling at him. “Ready for the tour?”
Justin smiled back and squeezed Brian's hand, but there was something about how Brian referred to Debbie as his Mother that had Justin thinking that both Brian's parents; his real parents, hadn't been the easiest to live with.
Isn’t it fabu how justin can just get brain’s entire childhood history from telling him that he wuz pretty much raised by the crazy Debbie person? I wish someone would tell the author though that capitalizing is only for proper names. Yah okay jayen that bich told me that one I still don’t think its a big deal.
So they go back into the loft and justin gets sucked up (hee! I sed sucked!) again.
And again, Brian had to watch helplessly, as Justin was taken into the bottle.
This time it was 36 hours before Justin was released and all his enthusiasm and hope seemed to be knocked out of him. He felt he was back to square one as just when he was beginning to think his prison sentence was over, the powers had reminded him just who was in control of his life and his destiny.
Jayen sez, sounds like my migraines!!! (she also mumbled something like, kinda like this fic, but I M IGNORING HER)… I wonder who the powers are. And we all know the powers are brain!!! Hey, maybe the power really is brain and its his subconscienschousnes that’s tossing jutsin back in the bottle when he gets sick of him.
OMG I cant believe I jest sed that!! brain would never hert hiz baby!!!
Well, jutsin gets out again and then goes on the internet in his studio that braian had turned the loft below his into.
Still amazed at how it was all possible, but then again, who isn't, he'd found several websites
I NO!! iznt teh internets amazing!!! We all think so!!!
on the internet offering guidance and advice and had hardly stopped all day, barely taking a break for lunch and not realizing how late it had become when Brian came home.
so then brain comes home and fucks him again!!! guess he duznt want him in the bottle when hes getting his 9” sux huh? Hee!
So then Jennifer cums in. not during the fuckery silly! Tho it might just make this story a tad more lively at this point. Its 18000 words or something and all that happens is the cats and going to see deb and surfing the net. That’s not a lot for 18000 words. Anyways, jen’d formed a real attachment for jutsin cuz she had a son named jutsin who looked just like justininthebottle and her long lost son whod disappeared the year before and OMG I cant WAIT for the next chapter cuz I half no idea what’s gonna happen next!!!