The Youngest Billy Goat spells "V-Day" with an "-iolence".

Feb 13, 2008 22:05

[Locked to tales younger than 21]
SO, Pulp Fiction and Reservoir Dogs tomorrow night in the TV room, since we're the youth today and totally desensitized. Also, playing Uno and--what's it called? Let me [...] Flux. Egyptian pizza, popcorn(?), Tarantino, card games, fedoras, bling, skank bitches, however you roll.

Also, this event is FOR THE YOUTH. Don't go flagging down hot older gents (you know who you are, gent-flaggers). Like I told Delilah, we're also going to be hooting at drunken hook-ups as they come in from bars and stuff, so bring some cough drops if you feel hoarse. And probably a camera phone.
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