A real update? Sure why not?
Lets start with work.
It hasn't changed. I still work everyday but Wednesdays and Sundays. My boss would like me to come in Wednesdays for two hours to close. I laughed in his face. My Colombian co-worker is giving me a month free of kick boxing lessons. He is trying to start up a clientele and agreed to give me a month free. I start Sunday. It should be fun to kick some ass, though not his. He used to be a body guard for the president in Colombia. Oh and I have been blessed enough to have the privilege of having automatic pay check deposit. Seriously one of the best ideas ever. There is nothing better then waking up every other Friday morning, knowing I have close to $300 added to my bank account. The downside...if for some reason my hours are not correct I can't change it. Though knowing my boss, if it was a big deal he'd just cut me a check right there. Good man.
School 'eh?
Classes are ok. I love only having three classes on campus. Spanish is hella easy. Granted it should be since I took three years in high school and am now in elementary spanish 1. Rock. Speaking of rocks, geology is pretty much exactly like earth science from high school. I got a 26 out of 30 on my mineral practical. We seriously went around the room naming minerals. Fun. Next week I get to do the same thing except with rocks. More fun to be hand by all. Commercial law is a killer. Its not hard but I hate the time. Tuesdays are my long days. I am seriously on the go from 8:30 am to 10 pm. Not fun. So by the time 7 o'clock rolls around and I am in class the last thing I wanna do is take notes and listen to this guy talk. He's cool and all but I am just too tired to care. Oh well. My online class is easy. I should take more of these.
Next year? If we must.
I am ready to leave CL again. More importantly I am ready to leave Illinois and my family. Boston here I come. Its fun to apartment search in neighborhoods you've never been to. All I know is that the green line runs through them and thats what runs into Brookline which is where Newbury College is. I am waiting till the end of this semester to apply to help the good ole' GPA a bit. I am also planning a trip to the Bean over spring break. It will most likely be a bit cold but all good. And my spring break is different from Newbury's spring break so I won't be visiting a ghost campus. I'm most excited about just getting outta here and some place 110% different from what I am used to. I'm ready for city life. I'm ready for Boston.
Um. Thats about it. All else is well. I know shall share a picture of you. Enjoy this picture of drunk Brittany.