Title: Small Families
Fandom: Sherlock (BBC)
Rating: T
Summary: Dr. John Watson is turned into an eight year old child, dealing with Sherlock who doesn't know him in a world where he was never born. But now he meets with Dimmock.
Author's Note: So here's the deal, the whole point of Hilton Cubitt is that he's adorable to too adorable for words depending on the day. Mostly due to his giant puppy/teddy bear and doing gooding and helping poor babies. The problem with this is that I have had a bit of a busy few days and so I'm not sure that I've played him up as such. If that's the case I will pull the Rude Mechanical Clause.
I tried.
If any of you have questions you can ask them (there's your daily pun, albeit a weak on) at thursdayplaid.tumblr.com or ask in a comment. (And I'm fairly sure I haven't posted to the community with every update, oops!) Fair warning, I take forever to answer comments. I am nice however and answer nicely.