Update on community status

Apr 13, 2017 07:32

Thank you to everyone who participated in the poll and discussion regarding the future of this community. By a slight margin, the decision came down on the side of continuing this community here on LJ, with a backup on Dreamwidth. That backup has now gone through and can be found at bbcsherlock.dreamwidth.org. Membership is closed and no new posts will be made there. It exists as an archive only in case this community were to be deleted or otherwise censored.

For those who voted to move to Dreamwidth, the sherlockbbc community is in the middle of doing just that. It will be a couple of days before the migration goes through, and in the meantime posting is frozen both on LJ and DW, but when it's ready you are welcome to join and subscribe over there. The DW comm will be sherlock-bbc.dreamwidth.org because the other name was already taken.

Those who wanted to delete everything, if you delete your LJ, there is an option to also delete all of your posts and comments in communities. Although we would be sad to lose any of your posts for posterity, if you feel best erasing your LJ presence entirely, that's the way to do it.

FINALLY, I am very happy to turn this comm over in its new lease on life to pipmer1 and specialagentldy as your intrepid mods. Please do let them know in the comments what features, if any, you would like to see implemented or continued. May the game continue to be "on"!

Edit August 5 2017: Locking this post due to floods of anon spam.

!community update, !mod post

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