Penumbra (Chapter Four: Beyond the Palings)Author:
saki101Word Count: ~6.6K (Chapter Four)
Pairing: John Watson/Sherlock Holmes
Rating: NC-17 (for the series)
Disclaimer: Neither Sherlock nor Dark Shadows is mine and no money is being made.
Summary: In Chapter Four, the month is drawing to a close. John must decide.
Excerpt: Sherlock stood in shirtsleeves before the grand piano in the corner, swaying as he played his violin, his back to me. Sunlight slanted through the southern windows, throwing blues and violets over him, greens and golds at his feet.
“You have questions,” he said and raised his bow. His tone was cool; he did not turn around.
On AO3 (all chapters)
Chapter One: Meet Me at Moonrise
on LJChapter Two: Sequestration
on LJChapter Three: Transfusions
on LJ