Drabble Fest 2015 Now Open

Feb 11, 2015 09:02

Prompt post to immediately follow.

Fest officially closes March 7. That's three and half wonderful weeks for drabbling.


Fest is open to drabbles, double drabbles, and 221Bs.

Drabbles are defined as 100 words exactly, a double drabble would be 200 words, and a 221B is a fic that is 221 words in length and in which the last word must start with a B. If you're inspired to write something a bit longer, that's great. We're not enforcing the 100/200 word count, so anything up to 221 words is fine. But remember, part of the fun/challenge is to try for the word limit. :)

Anything longer than 221 words and it's not really a drabble and should be posted elsewhere as appropriate.

Please post your drabble to your personal journal or to AO3 or other and cross post to the bbcsherlock comm.

Please tag your entries so that people can easily find your drabble later. Please minimally tag as follows:

rating: [rating] e.g. rating: NC-17
character: [character] e.g. character:  mrs. hudson
pairing: [character/character] e.g. pairing: mycroft/greg (Please check the tags list for the pairing order.)

Please include the " *drabble fest " tag as well. Thanks.

There is now an AO3 collection tag: Sherlock Drabble Fest 2015

bbcsherlock has many other tags such as episode, genre, and warnings. Feel free to add all that apply.

All ratings are allowed, just tag appropriately. The rating system used by the comm is the American movies rating system: G, PG, PG-13, R, NC-17.

You can write more than one drabble.

More than one person can use any prompt, they are just provided to help spark ideas and creativity.

You can submit a prompt even if you don't plan on writing for the fest.

Conversely, you don't have to submit any prompts in order to participate.

Handy-dandy header for posting:

Word Count:
Disclaimer: The original Sherlock Holmes belongs to Arthur Conan Doyle but is now in the public domain. All derivate works, characters, settings, plot lines, etc., are the property of their respective creators, production companies, studios, et al. No money is being made from these works.

Graphics, if you're interested...

*drabble fest

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