Title: This First Summer Month That Brings the Rose
saki101Characters/Pairings: John Watson/Sherlock Holmes, Mycroft Holmes, Gregory Lestrade, Molly Hooper, Mrs Hudson
Rating: PG-13
Genre: slash
Word Count: ~3.7K
Disclaimer: Sherlock is not mine and no money is being made.
Summary: Sherlock and Moriarty never meet on the rooftop at Bart's in June.
A/N: A stand-alone AU, predominantly of the Sherlock universe, but with a pinch of ACD, written for the
Spook-Me Multi-Fandom Halloween Ficathon 2014 in response to the prompt: witch/wizard.
On AO3 On LJ Excerpt: There are roses guarding the verandah. I can smell them through the open windows. They have sharp claws and drink the sun.