Why Hello!

Feb 28, 2011 12:42

Hi everyone! I'm Audi and I'll be taking over for the gracious audiopineapple  as the new mod here and restart bbcland ! I hope to meet the rest of you, get to know each other, have fun, and now I get to mod you. It's totally a verb. I'm very excited to be here modding it up with ya'll and get this round started! A few things are going to happen in the coming days but it all leads up to restarting Round Two.
  1. Team Mods; If you'd like to stay on as a mod please leave me a comment here! Also please note if you'd like a co-mod just let me know as well. If you don't want to be a mod anymore, you can PM me or leave a comment. Either way, I would like to know.
  2. If you wish to stay on your team for the coming round, please fill out the poll below. You have till Friday to comment if you wish to stay or you will be cut.
  3. However if you wish to stay but would like to switch teams, still comment to the post. There will be a new application post going up that you can comment to to reapply for another team.
  4. There will also be a couple other mod posts going up; hiatus/page-a-mod/opt out, suggestions, etc.

Participation is going to be critical this round. All I'm asking for is at least one challenge a month and that does not include voting. If at the end of the month you have not entered a challenge, you will be cut unless you have spoken with me via PM or the hiatus post.


!mod post

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