Jan 09, 2004 18:19
A short list, by Jessica Miller
1. People with those damn walkie-talkie phones. No body else needs to hear your stupid conversations. Yes, we see you. Yes, we see your cell phone. No, we don't give a shit. No, we don't think you're "important"
2. Yappy-kicking children on airplanes. As I write this on an airplane flight to Lexington, I am being bumped and jostled from behind by a kid, who should be sitting in their own seat, not their mommy's lap. Control your kids, for Christ's sakes. Nobody else should have to deal with the consequences of your poor parenting. Now they're fucking with my arm rest. I may hurt someone.
3. Students that walk into class late, on a frequent basis. Your time is not more important than mine, or the time of your classmates.
4. People that run red lights. Red means stop, dumb ass.
5. Snot nosed 16 year olds that think the world should be handed to them on a plate, and throw hissy fits if they don't get a brand new car for their first one. Grow up.
6. I'm tired of hearing about anyone complaining about the way the police treat them based on their race or ethnicity, or any of those other predetermined factors. If you're caught breaking the law, you deserve to be punished. End of story.
7. If that kid kicks my seat one more time, I'm going to apeshit.
8. The thought of having kids. I sure as hell don't want any, at least in the next 10 years. Besides, I'd make a bad parent.
9. Shut up, fucking kid. Tranquilizers. Jesus!
Ok, plane's landing. Maybe I'll think of more later. Maybe I won't.
Music: crying baby