polls are really close. Bush is at 49% of the vote, and Kerry 47%. This doesn't count newly registered voters however, and there are at least 2 million of those, so that will make a difference. But still, I don't get how Bush is up this high. Seriously, what the hell has he done good in this country? If he hadn't gone after Iraq, after having the entire nation's support after 9/11, causing the rest of the world to hate us, and sent our foreign policy down the crapper, I might, might consider giving him my vote. If he gave a damn about education and the environment. Instead, he only pretends to care. Did you know that 3 out of 4 Bush supporters still believe in a link between Iraq and 9/11? That means that statistically 36% of the votes he's getting are based on a 9/11-Iraq link! This is ludicrous. If Tony Blair wasn't such of a butt buddy with Bush, I'd move back to England if he's (Bush) is reelected. Which brings me to my nightmare last night. I was sitting on the couch, and all of a sudden a newspaper appears with the headline "Bush Wins Election". This is seriously the worst nightmare I've ever had. Probably because it's got the biggest chance of it coming true. However, we've got control over this. On Tuesday, please, do the right thing and vote. It's our future. If this man is reelected, things will only get worse, because next term, his approval rating won't matter to him. He'll do whatever he wants to whoever he wants, because he won't be up for reelection. Here's
what we're facing and why Bush doesn't deserve your vote.
And with that, I'm going to bed.