Your name is LUCAS LEE.
Even though you are not as high up on the hemospectrum as you would prefer to be, you pretty much ACT LIKE A PRETENTIOUS DICKBAG all the time as if you were. You hold a particular interest in SKATEBOARDING, GETTING INTO FIGHTS and ACTING, though you prefer to only act in or think about stories that have a lot of BLOODSHED, BATTLES and EXPLOSIONS, and are not a big supporter of WEAK, ROMANTIC SHIT because you are THE MAN. You aspire to one day become the NEXT TROLL BRUCE WILLIS, only better somehow--if that's even possible.
Your LUSUS is actually a RABBIT named NIBLET, but you have NO CLUE ABOUT THAT SHIT because Niblet was crushed to death by a HELICOPTER that fell from the sky when you were only a grub. Which is basically the reason you believe the helicopter to be your lusus, which you aptly and intelligently named LUSUS. Luckily, Lusus had a LARGE COOLER full of ENERGY DRINKS AND SOME SORT OF JERKY in it's backseat, therefore proving to be a pretty SWEET AND CARING LUSUS indeed.
Your trolltag is extremeThespian and you 2ttly dont need 2 use punc2ation 2 coast your point across.