Seattle is a town that I often find myself getting annoyed with.
From the voting on something, paying for it for a few years with an exorbitant car tab fee and the thing never being built (monorail), to just general everyday life (roads with potholes that go unfixed for years)- it's a frustrating place to live if you like things to get done.
That said- SNOWPOCALYPSE has been going on the past few days. This means that, as usual, roads are not getting plowed, sanded & salted and there are runs on gas stations, supermarkets, etc.
There are NO snow shovels to be found and no salt either- so even if you DID want to shovel your walkway and driveway you are screwed. (unless the old lady who used to live in your place before you leaves HER snow shovel - like the guy who lives next to Erik who helped shovel his driveway after Erik got stuck in it last night)
Even if we could drive today, our flight back home for Xmas got canceled.
After waiting on the phone for an hour this morning, the best they can do is the 25th- we'd get into Minneapolis @ 5pm- just in time to miss most of Xmas. JOY. F**KING JOY.
I called my grandmother today after I walked to my mom and told her NOT to meet me in Woodbury because I wouldn't be there. She was just about to cry she was so upset. And that upset me more than I already was.
Actually I'm just ANGRY. I'm super pissed at this fucking town. NOTHING gets done. NOTHING.
What kind of a freaking city- and one built on a lot of hills at that- doesn't plow their streets? I mean at least plow the g-damn things!!! F**K!!!!! #$(*^#$*@&^#)@#*^\
Oh and I had to walk a few miles for groceries today since we had none in the house. And it's still snowing. STILL.
But at least I got a few good pictures of SNOWPOCALYPSE on the way there and back.
This is Ballard's "main drag" unplowed- and it will probably remain so.
Bergen Place- the nice little square in Ballard.
A buried Beetle in front of Mr. Spot's Chai House
Ballard Avenue in the snowfall. It's coming down thick & fast.