lemuriapress and I went to the Nordic Heritage Museum's Yulefest today.
I hadn't been to the Nordic Heritage Museum before (I know- I've been here about 11 years now and there's still places I haven't been).
It was super crowded and the crafts and gifts for sale weren't at all impressive (I was hoping for knitting kits or yarn or something- no dice) but the FOOD was. In particular fresh and hot abelskiver, fresh lefse with butter and cinnamon and Scandi cookies LIEK WHOA.
I should have bought the museum's cookbook which had lots of the recipes in there (and a lot more) but didn't. Maybe later.
It was as good as the Lutheran church basement and Episcopal church Xmas fairs that I remember from back in Minnesota. In fact, they could really have left out the gift thing all together and just made it a bunch of Scandis hocking awesome food.
My faveourite cookie was, of course, called the "buttercup". Aw hells yeah. Turns out that the best Scandi food was really meant to be consumed with kaffe or maybe a strong black tea if that's your thing.
We left after eating our fill and our sugar highs were in full swing. *twitch*
We were parked in front of this rather interesting wee house in Sunset Hill and we both ran guesses as to how much it was. Neither of us were that close- actually both of us were too HIGH on our guesses (shocking!) but it was a rather pleasant shock today. I wouldn't mind at all living close to the museum. It's in an old elementary school but it's NOT a school so bonus there- no kids wandering about!
Maybe someday.... :/