Yeah, I know it's been awhile since I've made an update. I've been lazy, what can I say? Okay, so if you know me you really know that's not possible.
I've actually been doing quite a bit of PC stuff. I've finally got my PC website up and running, so for those of you who might need to purchase some new kitchen products... check it out! Yes, a shameless plug, but what can I say.... It feeds my habits, therefore I do it. It's actually going quite well. Not just the website, but the shows. I've got about 5 shows this month and 3 already scheduled for November. It's really looking up from where it was, which is a good thing. It's nice to get out and see some smiling, friendly faces once a week.
The last two days have been quie interesting. We had to put Julia in a toddler bed, which is quite a challenge considering how hard-headed she is. Naptime has proven the biggest challenge so far. If she's out of bed when I open the door to check on her, the responses vary. Sometimes she tells me, "YOU SCARED ME!" or she's running and diving into the bed like she was there the whole time. Sometimes she even just sits there in the middle of the floor, looking like "do you mind I'm trying to play here" Of course there's always the door opening and her screaming something at me to get my attention too. Little turd. Talking to my Mother about it and she's just loving it. Talking about how I use to do the same thing. Yeah.
I've been looking at a few things in preperation for another DM session for me possibly this weekend, depending on how things go and if Neal goes out of town or not. I'm sort of looking forward to doing it again. I'm hoping to add a little more detail to it this time, allow the terrain to affect things a little more. Things like that, but we'll see what happens.
Other than that things are steadily going. Staying pretty tired, but that's nothing unusual these days. My headaches that I've been having seem to have settled down a bit, so that's good.
Speaking of tired, I'm gonna take my pillow and go snuggle up with it and try to get some sleep.
Goodnight all. There's hugs here for those that want/need them. Hugs!