Artist summary claim post: Wave One

May 01, 2011 14:12

EDIT: All summaries have now been claimed. This post has now been closed to new comments.

This is the claim post for ARTISTS.

How it works:

Beneath the cut you will find summaries for all of the wave one fics.

(Writers, if your summary is missing, then please email us ASAP on Please do not comment to this post as your comment will get lost in the claims).

  1. Please ensure that you are signed up as an artist here.
  2. Read through the summaries and decide which one you would like to make art for. At this stage, each fic is only allowed to be claimed once. Fics that have already been claimed by artists will be in bold. Once every fic has been claimed once, we will open the post up for double claiming.
  3. Leave a comment with the following information
    • Livejournal username
    • Email address (please do not sign up with your livejournal email address as we track responses through gmail)
    • The number of the fic you wish to create art for.
  4. The mods will reply to your comment either confirming your claim or asking you to pick another as yours has already been claimed.
  5. Your draft fic will be emailed to you. Please do not worry if this takes a while - your mods can't be at their computers 24 hours a day but we will do our best to get it to you as soon as we can. Don't email us asking where your draft is until 24 hours have passed - we are getting to it, we promise.
  6. All art is due in on Friday May 27th, and artist check in day is May 13th. Further details will be in your email along with your fic draft. You can submit your finished artwork as soon as it is ready, but artists will not be allowed to claim a second summary to mix for until Tuesday 3rd May. This gives everyone a chance to claim their first fic.

  7. So, here goes.

    Key to band abbreviations appearing in this post:
    MCR = My Chemical Romance / PATD = Panic(!) at the Disco / FOB = Fall Out Boy / TU = The Used / TAI = The Academy Is... / GCH = Gym Class Heroes / THS = The Hush Sound / CS = Cobra Starship.


    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: accidental drug overdose, drug use

    When Panic splits up, it’s about the music, but it’s also about what Spencer thinks Ryan needs to do-which is strike out on his own. Things get messed up when it’s clear that Spencer and Brendon are going to finish out Panic’s contract and Ryan withdraws from them. Brendon tries to keep communication lines open through a series of emails that Ryan doesn’t know how to respond to. When things start falling apart for Ryan-the coke habit that until then has been a “social thing” spiraling out of control, Jon leaving to be with Cassie, TYV falling apart-he accidentally lands himself in the hospital, and Spencer, who’s still his next-of-kin, is called in. Spencer and Brendon come, despite all the time apart and the fights, and the three of them work to rebuild their relationship, as Ryan figures out who he is, and where he needs to go from there.


    MCR, TU
    Frank/Gerard, Bert/Gerard, Alicia/Mikey
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: None
    A Sliding Doors AU - In the autumn of 2005 in New York City, Gerard lives a mediocre life with Bert; they share a small apartment, but Gerard (sober for just over a year) pays for most of the expenses while Bert spends any spare money The Used make on alcohol and drugs. After a terrible morning, Gerard, dejected and depressed, finds himself standing in front of a bar. Tempted, he hesitates. Should he go in, give in, revert to the jobless loser he once was? Or should he move on, catch a train home?

    The choice he makes will impact his life in ways he can’t even imagine. If he does not enter the bar, he’ll board the subway, meet an annoying little shit named Frank, and get home early enough to catch Bert cheating on him. If he does stop to order a drink (even though he won’t drink it) he won’t have any idea of his boyfriend’s infidelity, and life will continue on as it was.

    This is the story of two parallel universes, reflected in each other, but taking different lines. And ultimately proving that Gerard is the person he always is, with the same soul, no matter what life he’s living.


    Frank/Gerard, PATD GSF (Mikey/Gabe, Tom/Bill)
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: None

    Vague fantasy au/bandverse. Frank's been saying he's saving himself for Gerard Way for years, and discovering that his new house/bandmate is actually friends with Gerard should make things easier. But it's bad enough that Gerard remembers Frank as that one freakish, stalkery fan that followed them from venue to venue, not to mention the fact that it's hard to make any progress when everything that comes out of Frank's mouth makes him sound like a giant asshole. Oh, and how Frank's trying to keep his stupid elf magic from outing himself and Brendon to a national audience. Featuring Panic! as a fivepiece, My Chemical Romance (where Bob's still around) +Matt. Sequel to existing fic, but can be read as stand-alone.


    TYV, Empires, William Beckett, Gabe Saporta, Pete Wentz, various others.
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: None

    Jon has traveled all over the world, but when he meets Ryan Ross in Mysore, India he instantly falls for him.

    Ryan Ross is a yoga teacher from Chicago who is in India to improve his skills for his students. When Jon approaches him he is hesitant but quickly falls for Jon, who is charming and gorgeous and totally infatuated with Ryan.

    When Ryan leaves, Jon follows, but as things fall into a routine, new problems arise. Some things can be fixed, and some cannot…

    In which Jon is a photographer, Tom owns a gallery, Ryan owns a yoga studio with William, Empires is a bar and everyone who is anyone knows about Decaydance. A story of love and all the complications that come with it.


    Pete/Patrick, minor/suggested others (Gerard/Frank, Brendon/Spencer, Ray/Bob)
    Rating: R
    Warnings: none

    When Patrick Stump met Pete Wentz, he would have never imagined that just over two years later he would be the owner of Sugar & Spice, his very own, brand new, bakery. The new husband of an eccentric millionaire, Patrick's first few months owning a bakery are definitely not what he expected. Amid being the latest local scandal and dealing with a neurotic husband, Patrick is faced with the struggles of running a work environment full of the craziest employees he had ever met, as well as planning for two major events for the shop to deal with. With mounting pressure at the bakery, will Patrick overlook the slow unraveling of his husband's faith in their relationship, or will he be able to save their marriage before it's too late?


    FOB, MCR (Background: CS, TU, PATD, TAI, Green Day, Good Charlotte, Travie McCoy, Joe Jonas, Ashlee Simpson)
    Pete/Mikey, Pete/Ashlee, and a lot of background noise pairings.
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Technically, there is a lot of character death. Also, there is an incest-y undertone and unflattering portrayal of vegans/vegetarians.

    "If you're going to date me," Mikeyway says, not even looking up from his sidekick, "you're going to have to beat down all of my evil exes and my brother. Sorry."
    Pete Wentz is just your average bass player in a kind of shitty band that is somehow kind of popular. He happens to be dating a pop star, which is the music industry equivalent of dating a highschooler to make yourself feel better. Mikeyway is a sweet little dude with a way overprotective brother and a league of twenty evil exes. He sometimes pops up in Pete's dreams and seems mostly indifferent to the fact that Pete is fighting for the right to date him (even though he's only gay above the waist). Somewhere in all this, Pete has to take relationship advice from a Jonas Brother (one of the ones not dating Mike Carden), try not to die a horrible and painful death, lament the fact that his own band has slept with Mikeyway, and hopefully ride off into the sunset on a unicorn with Mikey. Ready? GAME START.


    PATD / TYV
    Brendon/Spencer past Spencer/Haley & Brendon/Ryan
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Minor character death

    In their mid-thirties, Spencer & Brendon meet at a fun. concert. Spencer is a father who is kind of clueless about love. Brendon is just plain clueless.


    TYV (PATD, The Like, Empires)
    Jon Walker/Ryan Ross
    Rating: Mature
    Warnings: Abortion; the body dysmorphia issues of a trans man (which in this instance means some body hatred, some discomfort about sex, and a rejection of femininity).
    Jon Walker came out as transsexual when he was thirteen years old, and has spent every day of his life since then building walls and perfecting his sense of denial and doing everything in his power to forget he was every anyone but Jon. Over a decade, he's gotten pretty good at it.

    Unfortunately, denial can only go so far, and when Jon ends up in a situation he can't get through with his usual coping mechanisms, he starts pushing not to forget who he was, but accept who he is.


    Frank/Gerard, one or two mentions of Ray/Mikey
    Rating: R
    Warnings: minor character death

    He peers confusedly up at his rescuer in a way that he hopes doesn't make him look like a complete idiot or a damsel saved by her knight in shining... um, t-shirt, despite the fact that this is essentially what has just happened.

    He opens his mouth to speak. What he means to say is thank you. What falls out instead is, "Who are you?"

    "Me? I'm your fucking fairy godmother," the guy drawls, lighting a smoke. "Who are you?"

    In a moment of truly dazzling social dexterity, Gerard promptly forgets his own name.

    Normality is a funny thing. Gerard-the-awkward-kid-who-works-in-a-shop had more of it than he knew what to do with. Gerard-the-equally-awkward-kid-who-needs-his-life-saving-on-a-regular-basis has none at all anymore and would quite like it back, thank you very much. He doesn't know quite what happened to his life, but he's positive that Frank had something to do with it. What's only making things worse is that he's equally positive he knows Frank from somewhere - if he could only remember where from...


    MCR, PATD, CS, TAI, The Cab, FOB
    Mikey/Gerard/Brendon/Frank (and combinations within), Gabe/William/Kesha, Jon/Tom, mentions of Brendon/Jon, Brendon/OMCs, Mikey/OMCs (not infidelity).
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Non-descriptive past sexual abuse of a minor, dub-con (not between MCs), incest, light kink, hard drug use, graphic murder scenes, mentions of cannibalism.

    “My name is Ryland, and it's been four days since I eviscerated someone.”

    “Hi Ryland!”

    Gerard has been running Serial Killers Anonymous for a while now, and it’s a good outlet for them all. Things start to change though, when he finally confronts Mikey about what he’s been doing the nights he gets back from the bar after dawn. Mikey agrees to go to placate his brother/boyfriend, not because he feels remorse. If they really didn’t want to die, they’d be more interesting when they beg for their life.

    Meanwhile, Brendon’s just had an amicable break-up with Jon, a fact he could not convince his best friend Ryan of in a million years. Unfortunately for him, he has to listen to Ryan’s rants about evil boyfriends and Jon being just the latest in a string of admittedly poor choices, all day as they work together in Ryan’s fashion boutique. He’s out urban exploring for Ryan’s ~inspiration~ when he stumbles upon SK Anon. It’s easy to fall in love. After all, they’re reformed, right?

    The problem comes when one of the S K Anon members reverts to their old ways, triggering a collective jump off the wagon. However, with every cloud comes silver lining, and giving in doesn’t always make you weak. Sometimes it takes action to make a house a home, and a group a family.
    A story in which Cash gets divine inspiration from a Kelly Clarkson CD, working at Borders never stops sucking, and Frank would like to film the frequent Brendon Vs Filthy Way House battles and charge people to watch them.


    MCR, FOB
    Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Pete
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Character Death, Murder, Violence

    Dexter AU. Frank Iero has an obsession with killing. Sometimes it is all he ever wants to do. It is all he needs. But then a new killer comes to town and Frank has to learn how to play by another person's rules. This and the fact that he has new feelings for Gerard means Frank is about to see a different side of life that he never expected to see.


    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: Contains Medium Level Violence, scenes depicting bullying and non graphic background character death due to battle.

    Brendon is a (reluctant) prince from the planet Aeternitatis on the run from a rebel uprising trying to over throw his kingdom. Taking refuge on Earth, he enrolls at Summerlin High School where he learns that being a prince doesn’t mean being cool if no-one can know about it, that homework is a special kind of hell, that he’s going to need all of his charm (and a little bit of magic) to win over the ever sarcastic and intriguing Spencer and that falling in love is a whole other adventure.
    With the help of his bodyguard Zack and his aide Dallon, can Brendon survive senior year, get his boy, save his kingdom and realise his true potential as the future king of Aeternitatis? He sure hopes so.


    PATD, TYV, The Brobecks
    Spencer/girl!Brendon - girl!Brendon/Dallon - Ryan/Jon - fake!Ryan/Spencer
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Brendon is a girl

    When you're one of Hollywood's most sought after young actors, what could possibly be wrong with your life? Spencer Smith has the world at his feet. He has two of the greatest friends and he's strangely popular considering the movies he has listed on his resume, but his life isn't that wonderful-especially when the whole world thinks he's gay. He doesn't let it bother him until he meets his new female co-star, Brendon Urie, who is also under the impression that Spencer's gay. It complicates things when he develops feelings and falls in love with her. He can't tell her the truth with the risk of being shunned by Hollywood, so Spencer tries to go about his life, being her friend, but it's not enough. He wants more. He's just not so sure how to go about getting her when he's supposed to be dating his best friend and she's very much taken. Trying to convince Brendon of the truth will be Spencer's toughest role yet.


    MCR / Killjoys
    Rating: Rish
    Warnings: Graphic Violence

    ‘Mikey stops taking his pills the day after Gerard takes all of his at once.

    It’s a beginning of sorts.’

    Out in the zones, there’s very little holding Gerard together - Mikey is trying his best, but something’s been praying on Gerard’s mind for years and even he isn’t sure what it is, apart from the nightmarish flashes of dark eyes watching him.

    They’re doing almost alright until the roadhouse run by the semi-legendary ex-Zonerunner Jet Star is hit by a BL/ind patrol and Gerard and Mikey finally decide to let someone else run with their crew in order to help track down the kidnapped motorbaby Grace.

    However, it isn’t until they make a shocking discovery during an attack by the sinister masked Draculoids that they can even begin to find what they’re each looking for…


    Brendon/Ryan, onesided Jon/Spencer
    Rating: R
    Warnings: drug use, torture, sex slaves, violence, character death

    Brendon gets kicked out of his house because he refuses to fight his addiction to drugs. He hitches a ride to New York, finds a roommate and a job, and everything seems to be going fine. He has a roof over his head and drugs in his pocket. But then, when he meets Jared, his new dealer, and sees Ryan Ross, a sex slave that Jared uses to make some extra cash, he can't stop the feeling that maybe there's something out there that he cares about more than his drugs.

    Acting on a whim, he steals Ryan away and plans to help him gain back the life he never had. But he soon learns that Jared doesn't like when people take his things.


    Brendon Urie/Spencer Smith
    Rating: Explicit
    Warnings: Homophobia; offscreen homophobic violence; rejection by family

    (Sexswap: Spencer and Brendon have always been girls.)
    Spencer and Ryan didn't want another girl in the band, but Brent's right: Brendon is better than anyone else they've seen. What they don't know is that Brendon's also deep in the closet, until rejection by her parents sends her flying out of it. Spencer's hopeless crush, already a target of loving ridicule by Ryan, is inflamed by Brendon's new, rainbow-sporting look and attitude. Can Spencer keep it under wraps? Does she want to? And just how much pot can four disaffected teenagers smoke, anyway?


    Gen with background Mikey/Jon and minor mentions of Gabe/OFCs
    Rating: R
    Warnings: dystopic society, one scene with suicidal thoughts(no follow through), mentions of alcohol abuse in one section, violence, & kidnapping of a secondary character(off screen).

    Time as a construct is pretty straight forward. Every action has a proper reactionary path unfold in front of it. Sometimes, though, one single act, something innocent and good, can cause the correct path to detour into dark, unforeseen places.
    In a timeline that shouldn’t exist, Brendon is the assistant to an ailing psychic who works off the grid of normal society so she doesn’t get arrested for being ‘abnormal’. Gabe is an ex-fbi agent with little hope left after quitting the fbi because of an accident that made him different. And Ryan is a psychic trying his best to fix everything that’s gone wrong.
    Changing the future is impossible now, but tweaking the past is not. With the help of friends, Ryan plans to do just that and, in the process, perhaps finally set things right no matter the cost; sometimes it takes paying in blood to make everything right again.


    Brendon/Spencer (with a side of Jon/Ryan and a REALLY brief mention of Mikey/Bob)
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Ghost porn, voyeurism, and... reverse character death? Whatever, Brendon's a ghost, which means he did, in fact, die, so.

    Ghost!Brendon AU. Brendon is a ghost! Ryan moves in with him! Brendon has a crush on Spencer, but won't let Ryan tell Spencer that Brendon exists, in case Spencer's creeped out by him! Ryan and Jon and Spencer start a band, and Brendon helps Ryan write songs when the others are around, since they don't know he exists, but he's frustrated that he can't join in for the rest of it. Sad, awkward ghost love with a happy ending and some fuzzy cuteness along the way. Guest starring Gerard, Mikey and Gabe!
    "We could have Jon come over, right, and maybe we could even have a band again, Spence." Ryan elbow's Spencer's side, smiling kind of hopefully, eyes twinkling, and Spencer grins back at him, giving in, and wow, Spencer's grin is blinding, it’s possibly the source of all good things in the universe, including unicorns and puppies and possibly several of Brendon's wet dreams. So maybe Brendon won't whoosh through the house screaming about anything at all. Spencer is sort of disgustingly hot.
    There are times, very frustrating times, times like right now, that Brendon really wishes he weren't a ghost.


    Mikey/Gabe, Mikey/Pete, Mikey/Alicia
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Self-harm, attempted suicide, drug and alcohol abuse, misogyny (internalized and otherwise), extensive depiction of mental illness. All of the above is in-text, not offscreen, and therefore possibly triggery.

    Behind the Music: My Chemical Romance, in the world where Mikey has always been a girl.


    Rating: Nc-17
    Warnings: none
    Always a girl! Gerard/Frank Highschool AU
    Tomboy Gerard has always had a thing for Frank but never thought she’d be on his radar. She’s the anti-social fat girl hanging out with her brother and their loser friends and he’s the incredibly hot badboy/punk rocker/ slut er.. ladies man.
    Until a fateful crash in a crowded hallway - now not only is Frank aware of her existence - he’s wooing her! Seems like all her wildest and naughtiest dreams are coming true.

    But things are never that easy. Frank has a reputation to uphold -one that doesn’t involve monogamy. Gerard struggles with her jealousy and finally convinces Frank to be hers and hers alone- with some rather unexpected and dire consequences


    Rating: R
    Warnings: none

    Summary: "If wishes were horses, beggars would ride," Gerard's mom always said, but what happens when his wishes start to come true?


    Brendon/Spencer, [Ryan/Jon]
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Consensual underage sex (characters are 17).

    New relationships are hard, especially when you don't have a clue what you're doing. Spencer's getting most of his relationship advice from the internet, which is all very well except that most of it seems to say things like, 'encourage regular physical intimacy with particular emphasis on affectionate touching' when all Spencer's managing at the moment is holding hands with Brendon in the hallways, carrying his books to class and preparing for when Brendon asks him to take his shirt off. Ryan's dealing with the realization that Jon's going to be graduating in a month and he isn't, Spencer's trying to figure out how to get around to losing his virginity, and Brendon's got all this stuff going on he's not telling anyone about. Can Spencer figure out what's going on with Brendon, have sex for the first time, and make the Gay-Straight Alliance the most popular club in school, all without screwing up? Sequel to a previous big bang.


    PATD, TYV, HS, MCR, FOB, CS, The Cab, Paramore
    Spencer/Brendon (background Ryan/Greta, Pete/Patrick, Frank/Gerard)
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: None

    Regency AU with a Steampunk flair. In the romance novel-patented, historically inaccurate time best known as “the olden days”, Lord Spencer Smith, Marquess of Summerlin has managed to fall head over heels with an oblivious Sir Brendon Urie, son of a lowly baron. Due to a fortunate twist of fate, the two meet as Brendon is running away to escape an undesirable match his parents have made for him, and Spencer manages to convince him that the two of them should marry instead.


    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: dub/non-con of the sexpollen variety

    Scitanthmans are a race of winged people that have been enslaved on earth for decades. They are strong and proud and many have fought to escape and be free.

    As a boy Spencer was fascinated by a chance encounter with a free Sci child named Brendon.Their meeting was too brief but Spencer never forgot him. So when, years later he encountered him again, bound and for sale at a slave auction, Spencer just had to act.

    Abused and drugged to be a sex-slave, Brendon was in dire straits, without sex he would die. Spencer saved his life, but to Brendon it was the ultimate betrayal and he disappeared from Spencer’s life once again.

    Time passes and Spencer finds himself living on a lonely planet, where his only neighbor sports a familiar looking pair of wings.

    But Brendon just wants to be left alone and have nothing to do with human kind- can Spencer show him that not all humans should be hated? Will he even let him try?


    Brendon Urie/Ryan Ross, some Pete Wentz/Patrick Stump
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: References to prostitution

    Living in the Zones had taught Brendon Urie not to trust people - especially not the ones he met in his line of work. As the sweetheart of Club Called Heaven, his days were spent pretending to be everything his clients wanted him to be. With the rates he charged, it was the least he could do. It wasn't a perfect life - it wasn't even a good one - but it was better than anything he'd ever managed on his own. Safer. He kept his head down, minded his own business, and tried not to think about what he'd do if things went south.

    Ryan Ross was a man with a problem - he was in debt with the Killjoys. There were worse ways to pay off the favour he owed than by doing a bit of research on the kid who worked in Room 1, though, so he figured he'd gotten off light. Too bad Better Living had other ideas, plunging Ryan into the middle of a rescue operation he never signed up for.

    As a rule, the Killjoys had no trouble cleaning up after themselves. They weren't prone to stupid mistakes, and certainly didn't have a habit of making rash decisions. Unfortunately for them, desperation was a dangerous thing - one that lead to blown covers, betrayal, and broken trust.


    Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Ray
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Language. Sexual situations. Religion.

    A summer to change everything.

    Frank Iero is just trying to get out of high school alive when a boy from across the lines makes him question himself, his beliefs and test just how far he’s willing to go in order to be who he wants to be.

    Gerard Way is home for the most important summer of his life. He’s going to build bridges with his younger brother, help out an elderly neighbour and meet a boy from across the lines.


    MCR, FOB, TU, MSI, Ashlee Simpson, Tegan & Sara, Paramore, TAI, CS, The Sounds
    Frank/Gerard, Bob/Tegan Quin, one-sided Pete/Ashlee, one-sided Bob/Gerard
    Rating: Adult
    Warnings: Character death(s), implied rape, mind control

    1930s magical carnival AU, based on HBO's Carnivàle (no knowledge of the show is necessary). When his mom dies, Frank gets swept away by Brian's traveling carnival. Soon thereafter, he begins to have disturbing dreams about the end of the world. Frank also has strange healing powers that he tries to conceal from his new friends. Meanwhile, Pete is gathering a strong following in the west. He shares Frank's prophetic dreams and discovers his own extraordinary powers.


    MCR, FOB
    Frank/Mikey, [spoiler: highlight]Gerard/Pete
    Rating: PG13
    Warning: strong language

    Mikey Way may have only had the best of intentions when he ordered, over the internet, a foreign groom for his brother. The best laid plans rarely work out though, and when Frank Iero shows up on Gerard’s doorstep, things go pear-shaped. Gerard claims to have a boyfriend (whom no one has ever seen) and Frank finds himself in a loveless marriage, unable to go home. Even worse? Frank finds himself falling for the wrong brother.

    What’s a poor, jobless, Italian immigrant to do?


    Frank/Gerard (Christa/Ray)
    Rating: NC-17

    For Frank, being a character in a comic book is much easier than dealing with reality.
    “Gerard Way,” Frank says, hoping some kind of light bulb will switch on in his brain, but nothing happens. Maybe he heard the name before. Ray probably talked about him and how awesome his comic book was.
    “He went to Queen of Peace his senior year,” Ray says.

    They attended the same shitty ass school but so did hundreds of people, and Frank can’t really remember any of them, except for the handful of turds who made his life a living hell for four years and cost his mom a lot of fucking money in therapy and drugs that didn’t fix him.


    MCR, Patrick Stump (solo), members of bands under Fueled By Ramen, Bright Eyes, Amanda Palmer (solo), Feist, She and Him, Skeleton Crew
    Gerard/Frank, Gerard/Lindsey, Frank/Jamia, Brian Schecter/ Bob Bryar, Neil Gaiman/Amanda Palmer, Gerard Way/ Eliza "Cuts" (short-lived)
    Rating: M
    Warnings: Graphic fight/torture, character death

    On an involuntary break from writing The Umbrella Academy, Gerard Way feels like he needs to re-boot his life with a fresh new storyline. He encounters a tough character named Frankie Zero in a vivid dream, and decides that he will be the muse for his next series. Not content with merely writing about Frankie Zero, Gerard Way attempts to find him again in his dreams. Without seeming to notice, Gerard changes his whole life in pursuit of Frankie, holding out with his belief that his dreams are actually keys to something much greater, and much more fantastic. Guiding him along the way are the enigmatic Neil Gaiman and a mysterious higher power known as Our Lady of Sorrows.


    PATD [new + old]
    Ryan/Brendon + het background pairings (Jon/Cassie, Dallon/Breezy, etc.) and a dash of past Ryan/Spencer
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: None

    “I have no plans of succumbing to love this summer,” Brendon said confidently as he reached Stourhead, his wealthy uncle’s estate. He had not known that his cousin of royal blood would also be spending his summer there, and he did not expect to befriend the future duke either. But as the summer passes along, Brendon slowly realises that he and his cousin are not merely becoming friends. Indeed, he soon finds himself losing his heart to someone he shouldn’t.


    PATD, The Like
    Brendon/Z, Ryan/Spencer/Tennessee
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: One scene contains violent imagery, references to the threat of attempted non-con, and homophobic language. One scene also contains sexualized insults aimed at women. There is no actual dub-con or non-con in this fic.

    Ryan and Z are the resident outcasts of their small Midwestern town, best friends who are fiercely protective of themselves and each other. As junior year starts, Z's trying to get her (struggling) band off the ground, and Ryan mostly just wants to be left alone--but everything changes when Brendon Urie moves to town. He falls hard and fast for Z once he sees her on stage, ignoring the complications and bringing along his new friends Spencer and Tennessee for the ride. Now both Ryan and Z are faced with figuring out what (and who) they really want, and how far they're willing to step out of their comfort zone to get it.


    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: None

    After spending last year helping Ginny battle a possession by You-Know-Who and fending off accusations of being Slytherin's Heir, Brendon imagines his second year at Hogwarts will be very peaceful in comparison. He isn't counting on escaped mass murderers and Dementors to complicate matters
    Oh well, at least the new Defence Against the Dark Arts professor seems nice.


    Mikey/Pete, Pete/Brendon, Mikey/Pete+Brendon, Brendon/Gabe. Mentions of Mikey/Alicia, Gabe/Nate.
    Rating: nc17
    Warnings: Internalized and external homophobia. Offensive atheists. Possible inaccuracies due to author heavily researching but not actually being Mormon. A scene of dub-con.

    When the Uries don’t like Brendon’s performance at private school, they send him to a public school with lower expectations for senior year. What they’re not aware of is the mandatory community service credit Irving has for all seniors. Brendon decides not to tell them, instead taking the rare opportunity to finally make a decision of his own. Paws And Claws pet store might not be church affiliated, but what could be sinful about animals?

    Brendon never had a large group of friends at Pine Crest. Or any friends, really. Alex Suarez isn’t particularly modest or pious, but he’s funny, and nice, and it’s more than Brendon’s ever had before. The other student at the pet store is harder to forgive. He looks highly alternative, and obviously smokes and has premarital sex.

    With the sudden arrival of Mikey’s boyfriend over winter vacation, Brendon finds himself attracted, and terrified of that attraction. He heartily attempts to avoid awkward truths before finally giving in to his true nature, an act which costs him his church and family. But if there’s one lesson he’s learned senior year, it’s there is more than one way to live your life.


    MCR, PATD, FOB, TAI, cameos from others
    Frank/Gerard, Ryan/Brendon, Pete/Patrick
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: None

    Airline!AU. Pete Wentz is the successful owner of Chicago's Clandestine Airlines. He's fairly sure that dealing with a flight attendant and a pilot who are slowly falling in love, a hobo who insists he's allowed to sleep in the depature lounge, and developing a crush on the cute kid in Customer Services weren't included in the job description.

    Pete has been the owner for approximately three years.

    "Three years and three months," Patrick corrects him, scrolling through another page of useless statistics on his computer. "Since October 2002."

    Three and three quarter years. "This is why I love you, Patrick," Pete says. "You know, like, everything."
    "No," replies Patrick, dully. "There's a plaque in your office that says 'Pete Wentz, Senior Management, Clandestine Airlines, 23rd October 2002.' You put a poster of The Smiths over it last week."


    MCR, TYV, PATD, FOB ( Pete only )
    Frank/Mikey ( eventual Ryan/Jon)
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Dub-con which could be seen as non -con, descriptions of injuries/medical care, references to past addictions.

    A hooker AU. When Mikey has to leave home Frank insists on going along too. Together they make a new life, until Frank gets sick and everything changes.

    In his fight to pay hospital bills and just keep going, Mikey makes some difficult choices, not all of which are necessarily for the best. Along the way he meets new people, including Jon, Pete, Bob, Ray and Lindsey, but especially Ryan and Spencer, who are there to catch him when Mikey hits rock bottom.

    This is a story about strength and a will to keep going, about friendship and how it comes from the most unlikely of places. About how when you most need it, someone will hold out a hand.


    FOB, PATD, MCR, CS, TAI, THS/Gold Motel, GCH, The Cab, Black Cards
    Pete/Patrick, with various past and background pairings
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: none

    Clandestine Station is the end of nowhere - a mining station located on a remote ice planet, far away from any other populated system, with no breathable atmosphere and very little contact with the rest of the galaxy. In short, it's Patrick's worst nightmare ... and he's just been assigned to work there. When he arrives, however, he finds the station populated by a surprisingly cheerful bunch of people, all of whom welcome him with open arms. Patrick fits in better than he ever expected, thanks in large part to Pete, Clandestine's de facto manager. Patrick just might have a raging crush on his new boss, not that he intends to tell him about it.

    Eventually, though, Patrick gets exactly what he wanted: a transfer to a far more civilized planet. Only he's not entirely sure he wants it any more. When a disastrous storm strikes Clandestine, Patrick is forced to confront his deepest fears and decide once and for all - does he want to go home, or is he already there?


    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: off-screen noncon, graphic violence

    The Killjoys do as much damage to Korse and his followers as they can, and until now, they've been lucky enough to avoid getting caught. But Korse's mission isn't to just kill them, it's to hurt them--hurt Gerard. And to do that, he uses Frank. After a traumatic, death-defying escape, Frank sets out with the guys to get revenge. Set against the backdrop of the sweltering California desert, and in between the car chases and the gunfights, Frank has to let himself heal and learn how to respond to Gerard's feelings.


    PATD, MCR (TAI, Travie, CS, FOB, mentions of others)
    Bob/Brendon/Spencer and permutations thereof (implied Bill/Travie, Frank/Gerard, Pete/Mikey, Pete/Patrick, Suarez/Nate)
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Slavery, discussions of sex slavery (non-explicit), past physical and mental abuse, polyamory, swearing, sex

    “Bren?” Spencer waited for Brendon to hum at him before continuing.“You like it here, right? Even if we’re the only...”

    “Slaves?” Brendon whispered the word as softly as he could. “They’re good here. They never yell, or not at me, anyway. And Bill came to get you just because I asked.”

    The way he pressed closer, curled a little more into Spencer’s side, meant he’d done more than ask. Spencer wanted to beg Brendon to tell him about that night, about whatever he’d done after he’d seen Spencer locked in the too small cage with the same travelling sales house Tom had bought Brendon from. In the past three weeks, Spencer had learned really quickly that Brendon had deemed the topic not up for discussion.

    Spencer pulled his hand out of Brendon’s but wrapped his arm around Brendon’s shoulder quickly. “They... seem okay. But I don’t...”

    “It’s almost like being at Saporta’s again,” Brendon whispered. He hid his face against Spencer’s neck. “Except.”

    “Except for Ryan and Jon, yeah.” Spencer pressed a soft kiss to Brendon’s hair when Brendon shuddered, just a little. If they hadn’t been touching all along one side, Spencer probably would have missed it; Brendon was ridiculously good at hiding things.


    Brendon/Spencer, implied Ryan/Z, Pete/Patrick, Frank/Gerard
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: none

    A Brendon/Spencer steampunk AU. When Brendon is accidentally kidnapped by the dreaded airship pirate Saporta, it's up to Spencer to bring Brendon home safe. He learns just how stupidly big his country is, and that perhaps patience and stamina are more important than he thought, while Brendon has to figure out what he wants and how far he's willing to go for it.

    Will Spencer ever manage to find and rescue Brendon? Are the terrifying stories about Saporta's basement true? Only time will tell!


    Rating: R
    Warnings: Triggers for rape and sexual assault. Also, substance abuse, victim blaming and descriptions of depression. And a heterosexual main pairing. This story does NOT contain explicit rape or sexual assault but a character has experienced these in the past. Spoilers: The trauma resulting from a main character’s past sexual assault is dealt with very heavily. The event is never explicitly described.

    The day before baby New Jersey band My Chemical Romance are due to begin recording their debut album, having just added rhythm guitarist Frank Iero to their line-up, the realise they need a keyboardist. An old friend of Frank's, Stella Anderson, is ready to come to their rescue. But with a sixth, female, angry personality added to the line-up, can the band endure?

    Stella's story is perhaps not one overburdened with miracles or happiness. But it is the story of one woman, five men, great wide dreams and the past that so often gets in the way. A lot of people in this world are messed up. Will Stella (and My Chemical Romance) be among the survivors?


    Mikey/Gerard, Mikey/OMC
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: sort-of-incest, extraterrestrial non-binary gender issues, dubious consent issues involving soulbond/mindmelds

    Everyone knows Mikey and Gerard are close and everyone thinks they know why. Everyone's wrong. The Ways had no way of knowing what they were getting into when they find an alien on the side of the road and take it home with them. The little extra-terrestrial inserts itself into their family under the human name of Gerard and becomes one of their own. But more than that, the bond Mikey forms with Gerard shapes their whole lives in ways no one on Earth or beyond could've seen coming.


    MCR, Leathermouth
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Graphic sex, violence, language, mentions of past character death.

    Gerard didn't think things could get much more complex after learning to become a superhero in his teenage years, but he never would have imagined becoming more than a little attached to his adversary would be included in that, years ahead.

    In order to keep the Tri-State area safe, he’ll have to rid of him, but mixing infatuation with work has never done anybody much good, or has it? A superhero AU.


    Frank/Gerard, (Mikey/Ray)
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Language, Sex.

    As a marine specialist at one of New Jersey’s aquariums, Frank’s faced with somebody that fears everything he loves. When he finds Gerard in one of the shark walk-through tunnels hyperventilating, he knows that for some reason he has to help. Through a series of lunch dates at the aquarium and pet fish named Jack and Ianto, Gerard opens up about his irrational fears as the other man listens patiently. Frank’s aim was to conquer Gerard’s fears but instead, finds himself conquering his heart.


    TYV, PATD, various other
    Brendon/Spencer (main), Brendon/Spencer/Jon (eventual), Jon/Cassie (past)
    Rating: R
    Warnings: off-screen character death

    After a tragic loss, Jon Walker sets out to get away. Away from family, away from memories, and maybe, just maybe, away from himself.

    He ends up in Lorelei Springs at an inn owned by Bob and Greta Bryar, and runs into the resident 'fix-it' guy, Brendon Urie. Brendon has a bright façade, but holds his own sadness. The two become friends and eventually Brendon talks Jon into staying in Lorelei Springs. It's a quirky little town (like small towns are sometimes wont to be), but Jon finds himself relaxing, slowly healing, and becoming a part of things.

    That is, until the night of Brendon's 21st birthday when things get all shaken up again by a blast from Brendon's past - in the form of one Spencer Smith.


    Ryan/Jon, Spencer/Brendon, Gerard/Frank, Mikey/Bob, Pete/Patrick
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Mention of suicide attempt and drug overdose.

    Working at a mental institution isn't all that it's cracked up to be. It's full of eye-rolling gossips, unrequited love, strange phobias and people who collect stray animals. And those are just the staff! Brendon is sure he stepped onto the set of General Hospital, Spencer can’t stop rolling his eyes, Gerard has broken every piece of furniture to get the maintenance man to notice him and Dr. Wentz hits on everyone. When Patrick comes to finish his doctoral program he isn’t sure who needs psychiatric help more, the patients or the people who run the place.


    Frank/Gerard; background Mikey/Alicia
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: period (mid-19th century) homophobia and ethnic issues, but nothing graphic

    Frank Iero hasn't actually been a stableboy at the royal estate for about a year and a half; you don't have to work when you share the Archduke's bed. But when the king dies and Gerard is released from exile and made king, the royal court might be more than Frank can handle.

    Scheming politicians, mothers, courtiers, and assassins- Frank and Gerard will have to face them all. Frank has to figure out where he fits in here, prove his worth, and win himself a permanent place. And maybe a title or two.


    PATD, TYV, FOB, MCR + Bob
    Brendon/Spencer, highlight for spoilery secondary pairings: Ryan/Pete, Ryan/Bob and past Pete/Patrick
    Rating: PG
    Warnings: Alternative History (Victorian era), romance novel tropes

    One would think that agreeing to an arranged marriage would make Spencer's unhappy, but actually he has nothing against the practise. Spencer has never spent any time imagining swooping romances for himself so settling for something more practical is fine by him. (Especially as it is very beneficial to the family business.) What he did not account for was his best friend Ryan getting entangled in a very unsuitable affair, or that he himself would find that he only wanted his new spouse Brendon to be happy. In a few short months Spencer finds his whole orderly life turned upside down, but perhaps that is not such a bad thing?


    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: None major. Bad language.

    Bob Bryar is the best witch in the whole damn scene, even if he does say so himself. Which is just as well, because he's got responsibilities, most of which involve his charge, Gerard. Mainly, Bob's supposed to keep Gerard from falling down a well, or losing his sketchpad - little things, but Bob is a conscientious guardian. But when it becomes obvious that Gerard and Frank are hopelessly, silently in love with each other, Bob suddenly has bigger things to worry about. Nothing he's tried has ended in the declarations of love he'd been aiming for (not the fireworks, not the sunsets, not even the four hours they'd spent in locked in a closet). In a last, ditch attempt, he resorts to real spellwork, the epic, Cinderella kind, and now Frank and Gerard are stuck in a romance novel... with only one way out.


    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: sex, some language

    The world has undergone a series of changes that have left it much different from the one we know. Most of the human population has disappeared. Many of those who are left have evolved into something more. Something magical.
    Spencer is a student at the Western Academy of Magic. He learns how to control his innate magical abilities, how to harness the magic he doesn't hold inside, and how to fall in love with Brendon without getting them both killed.


    Frank/Gerard/Mikey/Ray, all pair permutations thereof, bonus Frank/Mikey/Gerard, mentions of James Dewees, Mike Pedicone, Alicia, Lyn-Z, Jamia, Pete Wentz, Bob
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: GSF, Rimming, Waycest, sex in public places, barebacking, BDSM, threesome, implied /wives, implied polyamory/open relationships, dirty talk, light breathplay, underage kissing (in a flashback), exhibitionism/voyeurism, facial.

    Oversexed!AU Everybody has a lot of sex. In fact, everybody seems to be having sex with Ray... except Gerard. How’d that happen? Obviously, the boys need to fix it. Call it being excited to be back on the road, call it bandsexual, call it just being plain horny.


    Jon/Spencer, slight Ryan/Brendon
    Rating: NC17
    Warnings: Kidnapping, Dark Humor

    Based on Almodovar’s Tie Me Up Down.

    After briefly meeting who he believes is obviously the love of his life, Jon decides to kidnap Spencer, a male stripper Jon’s very much in love with, to spend time together and make Spencer realize that he’s the love of his life as well. Spencer, who’s a bit reluctant at first for obvious reasons will realize that Jon wasn’t so crazy as he thought he was.


    Jon/Spencer, minor Ryan/Brendon, Pete/Patrick
    Warnings: None.
    Rating: R

    Jon, Brendon, and Patrick work in a Daycare. While Jon falls for his favorite students’ supposedly father, Brendon tries unsuccessfully to woo the Daycare’s nurse. In the meanwhile Patrick has to deal with the dad of one his kids, who happens to be more immature that the children of his class.


    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: None

    Gerard Way has a system: a system for managing his life as a city architect, a system for being a single man living in a house in Jersey he still thinks of as his grandmother's and not his own, a system for finding one of the four solo seats in each car on the train into Manhattan every morning. He likes his system. It works.

    His system derails when Frank Iero sits across from him on the 7:59 Midtown Direct one sunny morning in May.

    A love story, one train ride at a time.


    PATD, TYV, minor CS, MCR, The Like, plus Darren Criss (actor/musician) and Shane Valdes
    Pairing(s): Ryan Ross/Shane Valdes,
    Rating: R
    Warnings: character death (previously happened/reenactment)

    Humans are not as alone in the world as they think. Daywalkers, as they’re known, share their world with the Nightwalkers: creatures that humans think only exist in fairy tales, folklore and the occasional summer blockbuster. Ryan Ross is a ghost witch, a type of witch that can see and speak to ghosts and send them onto their just rewards if necessary. Over a year ago, Ryan had been the head Medical Examiner at the Centre, but after a particular murder case, Ryan quit his job and opened up an antique shop. Now, over a year later, Ryan wants nothing more than to focus on his relationship with his boyfriend Shane, run his store, and have as little to do with ghosts as he possibly can. But fate has other plans when a young detective from the Homicide department comes in Ryan’s store, saying that someone from Ryan’s past as a Medical Examiner and a ghost witch says Ryan’s the best at what he does. And they need Ryan’s help fast, before another Nightwalker child turns up dead.


    CS, The Sounds, MCR, GCH, TAI, THS
    William/Travis, one-sided Mikey/William, William/Alex, Victoria/Mikey, past Victoria/Brian, Travis/Katy Perry, sort of Gabe/Maja
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Character death, major and minor, and dub-con.

    Misfits AU. Gabe, Maja, William, Travis, and Mikey were all sentenced to community service after various crimes and misdeeds. But a freak storm strikes their first day and leaves them all with superpowers...Well, except Gabe. An unspeakable act then draws this band of screw-ups and misfits together, forcing them to deal with the aftermath of the storm together, everything from Gabe's inability to ever shut up to death and destruction.


    MCR, PATD, FOB. Background CS and Greta Salpeter.
    pre-Gerard/Frank, Brendon/Ryan, Pete/Patrick
    Rating: PG-13
    Warnings: implied abuse, grumpiness, meerkats

    Highschool AU. Gerard is a real artist, and he only takes the photo class because the other choice is Team Sports. Even psuedo-art has to be better than communal showers. He walks into the classroom on his first day ready to hate everyone he sees, but photography and the students who love it end up being anything but what he was expecting.


    PATD, FOB, MCR, and CS.
    Pete/Mikey, Brendon/Ryan, (side) Gabe/OFC, Gerard/LynZ.
    Rating: PG-13 for cursing.
    Warnings: none.

    The music industry is in danger after Austin's law - a law that says music should be banned for it promotes teen suicide - is all but passed. Only handfuls of bands will be allowed to continue to tour in the United States after December 31, 2015. Fall Out Boy, My Chemical Romance, Cobra Starship, and Panic! at the Disco are not one of these bands. Follow the romance, fights, and fear as the Last Chance America! tour takes it's whirl through the states.

    "It lives. The beat inside my chest runs through every other person, but mine is different. Mine is screaming at me if I don't make something of music and words that it'll stop. My beat is the same as my bandmates, my beat is the same as any other fucking musician. Telling us to stop... we can muffle the sound, but it will burst through stronger than ever.

    That beat is in my heart, and if you're in this crowd right now, it's in yours too."


    Frank/Gerard, Gerard/Grant Morrison
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Violence, homophobia, consent issues (prostitution, sexually threatening situations, and noncon groping)

    It's the last year of Prohibition, and bootlegger Frank Iero wants to sever his ties to the world of organized crime and go straight, but his mob connections have other plans for him. No one would like to see Frank get away from the mob more than Gerard, but he's got problems of his own--like the fact that he's a cross-dressing cabaret singer constantly struggling to keep his true identity secret from those who can't be trusted. With the help of a devoted brother, a detective who just might be as trustworthy as he claims, and a wealthy, eccentric Scotsman who features prominently in Gerard's past, Frank and Gerard just might be able to get out and start a new life together, but it's not going to be easy. A tale of gangsters, garter belts, love (hopefully) overcoming all obstacles, and a whole lot of coffee.


    Warnings: none

    Continuation of a previous story, but it's not necessary to read that one to know what's going on here, anymore than anyone in the story knows what's going on anyway. A sort of college au. Definitely a tale of good friends, cheap beer, cross dressing, falling in love, and figuring out what that means. No matter how much Spencer's friends may mock him, at least he and Brendon are doing it together, eventually.


    MCR, and in varying degrees of background FOB, CS, TU, PATD, Black Cards, Butch Walker
    Frank/Gerard (Pete/Mikey, implied Vicky/Gabe, Bert/Quinn)
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: Bullying, what could potentially be seen as self-harm, might be triggering, graphic violence.

    A rise in technological and medical advancements combined with an unexpected surge in mutations around the globe can only mean one thing: superpowers. As a child born before the information boom of 2010 rocked the world with the official news of these "SuperHumans", Frank Iero was kicked out onto the street at nine years old. His power seems to be more of a curse than a blessing: his body creates and leaks a net of energy that sets those who are unaware of it on edge. He is saved at first by a rogue agent of the government who understands the plight of the homeless children, and then by a small team of government agents who bring him into The Institute: an underground compound set up by the government to teach those with emerging superpowers how to control and use their gifts.

    Frank finally has a place where he seems to belong, and a group of friends: Mikey Way, a telepath; Gerard Way, whose body is a vacuum that neutralizes energy; and Ray Toro, a healer. All is far from perfect, however. Frank’s powers and training are put to the ultimate test when he has to fight both evil and betrayal to save not only the world, but also the best family he’s ever known.


    Frankie/Gerard (Brendon/Ryan)
    Rating: R
    Warnings: Very graphic and multiple character deaths including the death of a child.

    Gerard Way wakes up to find the zombie apocalypse literally at his doorstep. He makes friends instantly and loses them just as quickly as he fights for survival in this unforgiving new world. The apocalypse changes everybody, some for good and some for bad. Gerard just isn't sure what's going to happen to him.


    MCR, MSI, and various MCR wives and members of other bands
    Frank/Gerard, Mikey/Ray/Show Pony, other minor/background pairings
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: none

    Gerard hates his job in the art department at BLI. The only good part of his day is hanging with the smokers downstairs, especially Frank, who shares Gerard’s frustration and rebellion against the corporate norms. But when Frank is fired, Gerard quits his job too, and with Mikey’s and Ray’s help, sets off to find Frank, irritate Korse, and turn art into revolution.

    This is an epic origin story, showing how the MCR guys wound up in the situation we see in the “Na Na Na” video. It features LynZ as the once-bitten-twice-shy leader of an all-girl motorgang; Pete, Gabe, and Travie as Battery City art-punks; Bob and Brian working the underground music scene; and a metric fuckton of post-apocalyptic worldbuilding. You might also like to know that we’ve written Show Pony as an explicitly genderqueer character, and that the little girl
    played by Grace Jeanette has a large role in this story.

    This fic has potential for a wide range of bonus content unrelated to the major characters -- for instance the settings, minor characters and OCs, cultural elements, and the like. So please feel free to take up that side of things if it interests you!


    Frank/Frank, Frank/Gerard, Frank/Frank/Gerard
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: None

    "What, you mean I can't just travel back in time to fuck you for kicks?"

    Taste of Chaos 2005 is shaping up to be My Chem's best tour yet, until the night Frank walks into his hotel room and finds himself face to face with a dusty, sun-kissed, older version of himself. Who has a raygun. But who won't tell him anything about where he's from.

    Their strange but memorable encounter should be the end of the story, but a tech fuck-up rips the wrong Frank out of 2005, dumping him in a harsh, sun-baked future where his once band-mates live hard and on the run, emblazoned with colour. Fighting to stay alive and off the grid.

    With Fun Ghoul stuck in the past, Frank may very well be trapped in this future, living his life but with fourteen years taken out of the middle and a gun strapped to his chest. Tour life is rough, but it’s nothing compared to the life his future self has to live. He gets more than a glimpse of what's to come - things he'd like to forget and things he can't wait for.

    It's never been more clear to Frank where he belongs. And who with. He has to get back to 2005, whatever it takes.


    Jon/Ryan, Spencer/Brendon/Dallon
    Rating: Nc-17
    Warnings: Non graphic describing of a car accident, non-graphic talk of the aftermath of a amputation.

    When The Young Veins get in an accident on tour Ryan Ross' life is turned upside down. He loses his arm rendering him unable to make music. Ryan has to learn to live again, without music. Ryan strives to find a purpose in his new life, to find a way to keep going, with people he never thought would be there for him when the worst happened.


    Frank/Gerard (& minor pairings Lindsey/Alicia, Ray/Christa, Bob Bryar/Greta, Gabe/Beckett/VickyT)
    Rating: NC-17
    Warnings: implied incest

    Orchestra AU. Set in a world where classical music flourishes and Bob Bryar is the king. Frank is a newly graduated violist who just joined the Royal Philharmonic. Gerard is the orchestra's star violinist. Gerard accidentally hears Frank practising one day, and thereafter spends a lot of time creeping around, being in love with Frank - uh, Frank's playing, that is. He finally mans up and asks Frank to be in a quartet with him, Ray, and Lindsey. And the rest is history...

    EXCEPT. Gerard's overprotective brother, Mikey, devises a plan that will keep Frank far from Gerard. Frank spends a lot of time thinking Gerard's an asshole, but most of that is Mikey's fault, and also Gerard really is just that awkward. Will they eventually sort out their tangle of misunderstandings and get their happily ever after, or are they doomed to heartbreak?

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