Pinch-hit sign-up post: artists

May 28, 2010 11:07

It's that time again!

The May 30st final deadline for art is in a couple of days, which means it's also pinch-hit organization time! Our favorite part of Big Bang is our writers, artists, and mixers all working together to provide awesome stories, so pinch-hitters are so important to make sure that all of our stories have at least one piece of an art and a mix before posting.

If you're willing to make pinch-hit art for a story this year, please comment to the post with your email address and the bands you're willing to work with. If your chosen bands match one of the stories on our art-less list, we'll send it out to you post-haste, at any point from now on through June. If you've signed up to make art for another fic but haven't turned your art in yet, it's never, ever too late to comment - we would be more than happy to have you after you've turned in your first piece of art!

We'll try to give you as much time as we can, depending on when we get informed of a drop-out; we can guarantee you at least three days in the very worst of circumstances, hopefully around a week on average, and significantly longer if at all possible.

We can offer only the warm satisfaction of a good deed well done and our frankly pathetic, fawning gratitude, but if you're free and willing to volunteer, we will love you forever. And possibly go like this in the comments: \o/ :DDDDD! ♥ \o/, because we are excitable!

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