Официальный сайт министерства иностранных дел Сербии:
20 June 2018
Republic of Liberia revokes recognition of Kosovo
The Minister of Foreign Affairs of Liberia submitted a diplomatic note to Minister Dačić, annulling their decision to recognize the independence of Kosovo.
http://www.mfa.gov.rs/en/press-service/statements/17893-republic-of-liberia-revokes-recognition-of-kosovo Официальный сайт министерства иностранных дел Либерии (дата пресс-релиза видна из
общего списка)
22 June 2018
Liberia Reaffirms Bilateral Ties with Kosovo
The Government of the Republic of Liberia wishes to refute reports in some international and social media of its revocation of diplomatic relations with the Republic of Kosovo.