Now that was exactly what Talk Like A Pirate Day was supposed to be.
My friend hooked me up with a bottle of Captain Morgan for today... as well as a bottle of Kahlua for whenever I feel like it. It's a shame I didn't get around to the Dominican Cigar, but hell, we had fun.
You see, we had free advance tickets to Jackass 2. Ohhhh. The pain. It was great.
Afterwards we wandered around and found some kids randomly chillin with a hookah. They invited us over and I gave them the last of the hearty grog I'd made for the movie. We had a great little chat about 9/11 where we just couldn't stop laughing. Mostly cuz of the rum. To our amazement, we turned around and saw three or four other tables with hookahs too. This is Binghamton. Where did this come from?
Anyway, we went up to the woods and enjoyed a little bowlage, wandered to the food court and got pizza, and I hit the sack. I couldn't sleep for a little while so I went out for a stoge and a glass of chocolate milk. Good stuff.
Now back to your regular schedule where I really don't do too much of this anymore. Gotta love special occasions.