This entry was supposed to be a poem, but I really don't feel like writing one.
Yup. This is me bitching about the love life.
Yup. Seems every girl I feel attraction to (as more than a random hook up) is either taken, a cunt, far away or just completely disinterested. It's actually a pretty sizable list, with just solid no's running down the whole thing. I know I shouldn't assume things... actually, no wait. I should. What retard said you shouldn't assume things? Basic assumptions are what people base their every day lives around, and just because some turn out to be stupid or wrong doesn't mean assumptions in general are a bad thing. The inability to change assumptions, on the other hand, IS a bad thing. Or so I assume.
I should look on the bright side, enjoy what I have, but if I did that I wouldn't have to smoke and drink so much, and where's the fun in that? Just because there are one or two maybes left and my luck might always change - but it won't. Maybe I did something in a past life.
Assumptions are based on observed patterns and tendencies and wishful thinking. Shame, I was a little too wishful about one or two of those people on my list and not enough thinking.
It's a shame being a good person will get you absolutely nowhere in life. Maybe it's time I stopped. Little bits of my natural ability to sow discord and evil have been poking through from time to time, but I always thought I was a good person. Maybe I can change that assumption.